Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Episode 1 -

Welcome back to another season of The Circle!

Where a group of people stays in their own individual apartment. They can't see or hear each other. They can only communicate with an app called The Circle. They can be anyone they want to be. Themselves or someone totally different. Every day or two they will rate each other to see who is the most popular of them all. The most popular people will be the influencers and have the power to block one of them and this person has to leave The Circle for good. There will be newcomers but they will also eventually stop until only five will remain. Then the final ratings will decide who the winner is and this person will win One Million Simoleons. 

This is The Circle!

Okay, let's go check out the new contestants for this season. Some of them just arrived in The Circle!

???: Do you still think we can do this? It just feels so wrong...

???: Ah, man, stop being a party pooper! This going to be so much fun! Look at this apartment! So big and nice and luxurious... We're not used to this luxury at all.

???: Yeah, I know. But you're the one that's going to have all the fun and I have to do all the hard work!

???: What hard work? I'm sure they can afford maids to clean up after us.

???: You really didn't read everything in the contract. Did you?

???: What? It said there that they will do the cleaning, kind of room service, I think.

???: Yeah, but they also said there we have to do our own cooking.

???: Oh that? That's no biggie, you love to cook. Don't you?

???: I knew that you will say that, ugh!

???: Just chill man... I'm not fuzzy at all. I will eat everything that you dish up for us! Let's go check out the rooms and decide where we will sleep.

Suzanne: Hi you all. My name is Suzanne and this is my friend Iris.

Iris: We are 2 old 'girls' who just want to have fun, and that's why we decided to play as my grandson, Cameron. 

Suzanne: We know youngsters aren't fond of old people and won't make friends with us if they know we are old so we decided to play as a young 20-year-old boy, Cameron.

Iris: Cameron grew up with me and my husband, Billy, so I know everything about him. Everything that we will share about him will be the truth.

Suzanne: I think people will love him because he is really a very nice, friendly person. Outside the Circle, people do love him very much and I'm sure they will love him here too.

Iris: We are very excited to be on the show as Cameron and hope we will make lots of friends and stay in the game at least halfway!

???: Oooh, this apartment looks really nice.

???: Charles and Ines would love this place. I wish I could bring them with me.

???: If the kitchen looks like this then I wonder how the bedrooms will look like?

???: The bed is very comfortable... I wonder if there is time for a quick nap? Aww, I guess not!

Miriam: My name is Miriam King. 'Well, where should I start. It doesn't have anything to do with that I love to be somebody else or that I want to be Young again. The reason I'm pretending to be 32 years younger than I am is because of Dementia, which is spreading on my side of the Family and I'm honestly fucking scared to lose all the beautiful memories I made. I Chose the age of 26 because, during my 20s, I made the best memories of my life. Meeting Charles, my Husband, giving birth to a Beautiful and talented Daughter who will surely set her mark as a Politician, and I just want to hold on to These memories because I don't know how long I will have them. I could be lucky and not be affected, but I just want to relive the age I felt the happiest as long as I can. 

???: Oooh, this place looks amazing.

???: And so big! I'm going to get lost in here.

???: This kitchen is so big, I hope I will find all the pots and pans that I need when I'm supposed to cook for myself. Can I hire a butler? I guess not...  Where is Rich when I need him the most?

???: I wonder if I have to set up my profile now? I really need my midday nap. I should've brought my daughter with me to do the Circle app stuff. This will just give me a headache, ugh! 

???: Just look at that! So inviting!

???: Maybe I can go for a quick shower?

???: Let's just get it done and over with. It won't disappear if I keep on postponing it! I still have to do it!

Graham: My name is Graham and I want to represent the older generations and show just how fun and charming we can be in amongst the younger crowds! I can keep up with these younger people in their own world! I might not understand the Alexa machine but I am always keen for an adventure! I want to make genuine relationships and win! 

???: Oooh, look at this!

???: I wonder what is behind the door on my left?

???: Just the bathroom...

???: I hope there are more bedrooms than this one and it looks better than this one.

???: Ugh, Pink! Emma! I think you will like this one! I will take the other one. Oops! you're not here. Dang...

???: The kitchen looks okay. 

???: What? They don't keep beer in the fridge?

???: Oh, well, I guess this juice has to do.

Amir: My name is Amir and I think it would be great fun to just mess around with people, right? 'cause you know, they are expecting me to be this hot girl and I'm just this guy in a hoodie with a dumb hat n' goatee beard, plus I can say what I want and do what I want and just blame it on Emma, haha! Seriously though, she's gonna kill me when she finds out about the stuff I'm gonna say whilst pretending to be her. It's gonna be awesome! 

Suzanne: I think we need to set up our profile, are you coming?

Iris: I'm leaving that for you. I think I will start with supper.

Suzanne: Are you sure? I really need your input. After all, it's your grandson that we're playing.

Iris: I'm sure you can manage. And besides, I'm just here. You can shout if you want to know something.

Suzanne: *shouting* What is your grandson's name!!

Iris: Haha, I didn't mean that literally. I'm here, I can hear you!

Suzanne: Ugh! So what is his name?

Iris: His name is Cameron.

Suzanne: With a 'C' or a 'K'?

Iris: With a 'C'.

Suzanne: I really think you must come and sit here next to me and help me with this. I can't do it alone...

Iris: But I can't leave this now. I'm almost done.

Suzanne: Just put that down for a minute. This won't take long.

Iris: Okay... 

Iris: *after sitting next to Suzanne* So what else do you need?

Suzanne: Age, relationship, and a short Bio.

Suzanne: I think that will do. 

Iris: It looks fine to me... 

Miriam: So where do I start? Circle, open my profile.

Miriam: Circle put the middle picture of Ines as my profile pic.

Miriam: I think the players will love a younger me with this profile!

Amir: Okay, let's start?

Amir: I will use the picture of Emma where she throws the horseshoe.

Amir: Aww... Is that too risky? Ouch!

Amir: Nah... I think the other players will love Emma!

And more Players enter the building
???: Hello, Circle!

???: The place looks sassy!

Kayzer: Hi, my name is Kayzer and I'm from Kentucky and I love the sport. I entered the show because I think it will be lots of fun and I'm seeing forward to meet all of you and just maybe having a showmance. 

???: Oooh, Noice...

???: Looks good! This apartment is really classy.

???: And the beds are comfortable.

Jackson: Hi, my name is Jackson and I don't shy away from a challenge so I see the Circle as a way to both try something new and to prove to the world that people with dwarfism can definitely be badass. It's a win-win for me.

???: OMG! This place looks incredible!

???: And I love this room!

???: This is so huge!!!

???: I can't wait to prepare food here! This kitchen looks so cool!

???: I guess this is where the fun will be.

Rose: Hi my name is Rose and I'm the girl with the magic hands. And no, I don't mean a masseuse.  I applied for the show because my partner had so much fun last time! Who is my partner you ask? Kassi, you remember him? He was from season 2 and didn't last long. But we weren't partners then. We started dating after the show.

???: Look at this!

???: I will feel like a princess in this place!

???: I love the paintings on the wall!

???: And now, what do we have to do?

Europa: Hi my name is Europa and I was named after Zeus's wife from Greek Mythology and so is the entire European continent. I'm here to have fun and see if I can win this! I already smell the money!

Kayzer: Okay, let's start doing this. Circle opens my profile.

Kayzer: Circle, add the picture of me with the same shirt.

Kayzer: I think I like this! Let the game begins!

Jackson: Let me see what they want from me. A picture, my name, and some other goodies. That's easy peasy.

Jackson: Add the picture of me on the surfboard, Circle!

 Jackson: Car mech at work...

Rose: Mmmm... Circle, open my profile.

Rose: Yeah, I like that picture. It looks good!

Rose: I guess that will do the trick! Please people, be friends with me or I turn you all in toads. Hehe.

Europa: Circle, I think I look cute in the pink top. 

Europa: I like that, Circle. I'm sure the guys will fall over me!

Suzanne: Iris! Come look! They've got all the players up now! 

Iris: Oooh, Do you think they will know Cameron is a catfish?

Suzanne: Nah... They will just see a sweet friendly 20-year-old boy.

Iris: Do think there are more catfishes?

Suzanne: I will put my 2 front teeth on that. I bet!  

Graham: Aww, look at that boy. I think we will just get along fine.

Kayzer: Emma, young and free... And looking for romance? Let's do it, babe!

Amir: Europa, she looks interesting. Like to shop and drink and loves money and fame. I think she's quite expensive. But she will be okay to keep me here! I will definitely make friends with her!

Miriam: Aww, I really like this man. He is almost my age. I would like to get to know him better. Hopefully, he will get along with a much younger me. Or just maybe I need to reveal my age to him. But what if he is a catfish and is a youngster who catfishing an elder man? Ugh! This game is already hard. You don't know if someone is real or a catfish!

Europa: A surfer... But I don't think car mechanics get lots of money. So I will stay away from this one.

Rose: Aww let me go sit down and look at that... Quite interesting I must say, and good looking! I would like to see him without his shirt.

Jackson: Oooh, I like this girl! I can see that we will become friends. But she said she's engaged and she got a little girl. 

Suzanne: Magic hands? Do you think she's a witch?

Iris: Of course not!  How can you think that? Witches are from the 1600's era.

Miriam: An Alert? What will that be?

Amir: Ice breaker! It must be a game! That's nice. Now we can get to know the other players better.

Rose: I think after this game I need to get all the girls together for a chat! Circle, please open a group chat with all the girl's and name it 'Girl's Night'

Message: Heyy ladies! Thought it might be a good idea to set up a chat to get to know each other sparkling heart emoji. Send message!

Miriam: Oooh, Rose started a group chats with all the girls! How nice of her! Circle, take me to the Group chat!

Message: Heeeeeyyy! Nice idea Rosie, I'm all in for a Girl Group! How are you all doing? Smiley face emoji! Message send!

Amir: Aww, Rose opens a chat with the girls. Let's see how I fair between real girls. Or are some of them as fake as I? Hehe. Circle, opens the group chat!

Message: What's up Girlfriends?

Europa: Ugh, I don't feel like talking to the girls. I rather go and take a nap. Let me quickly greet them and then disappears... I'm sure they won't even notice.

Message: Hey, girls! Send message!

Rose: Aww, they all sound lovely.

Message: Just christened the stovetop with some pancakes! Alas, the ignition is busted, but luckily I have magic hands,  Sparkle star emojis on both sides of magic hands. Send message!

Miriam: Oooh, now I'm hungry after she mentions the pancakes. but I also want to know about her magic hands.

Message: Don't mention pancakes, I already feel like I could eat an elephant. You have been talking about magic in your Profile. So that I understand, are you more of a magician or an actual witch? Send message!

Amir: Oooh, now they're talking. They're making me hungry!

Message: Did somebody mention pancakes? Pancake emoji. I'll fight you for the first stack! Send message!

Miriam: Message: Haha, the race for the sweet officially began! Send message!

Amir: The girls do all sound cool and nice but I really want to know more about Rose's magic hands.

Message: Did I read that we've got a magician or something in our group? What's up with that? There's no such thing as magic, right? Stuck out tongue emoji. Send message!

Rose: Aww... They don't believe me!

Message: Surprise! Not only is there such a thing as magic, we have a mage right here! I will warn you though, I'm more of an offensive/utility caster, so don't expect me to protect you from anything. Sad face emoji. Message send!

Graham: Circle, please open a private chat with Cameron. Cameron is the youngest, and I am the oldest. I wonder if he will warm up to this old man, and give me a little bit of help with The Circle? 

Message: Hello Cameron! 
Hello, my boy! Should the oldest and youngest people in The Circle become acquainted? I've noticed on your profile, you are studying Bio-Agriculture! What does that entail? 
Sincerely, Graham. Send Message!

Suzanne: I think you can answer him. You know Cameron the best.

Iris: But this was your idea! Now you shoved it on me? What must I tell the man?

Suzanne: Aww, man. He just wants to be friendly. Talk to him!

Iris: Okay, but I promise you next time it's your turn. I don't care what you tell the people.

Message:  Aww, mind if I call you Mister Graham? I would like to call you Grandpa but I don’t think that will be appropriate. My parents and grandparents taught me better than that. And I will love to be friends. You do remind me of my grandpa? (Actually, you do remind me of my husband, but don't put that in)  Bio-agriculture is just another name for agricultural land that uses organic or biodynamic farming methods, with no synthetic fertilizers or agricultural chemicals. Very interesting indeed. I’m only in my first year, so I still have a lot to learn. In the meantime, I'm spending my spare time fishing. Send message!

Ugh, why did you put that in his bio? What I know about it is dangerous, hehe.

Suzanne: Relax man, you have it under control. Luckily we did look that up after you told me about his studies. We are safe! People will believe us!

Graham: Cameron seems like a smart young man. I do feel that his quickness to calling me "Mister Graham", makes me feel a weird disconnect from the younger crowd. I hope they don't send the old man home first, eh?! 

Message: Hello Cameron! 
You can call me whatever you'd like, my dear boy! You may just call me Graham too if you'd like. I am, after all, just a man, but I do love the formality! Bio-agriculture sounds like a wonderful study. Very scientific, you must be an excellent student and I am certain you shall learn marvelous amounts in your studies! As for fishing, my father was a keen fisherman, but I prefer to keep my hands clean. Ha Ha! 
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!

Suzanne: See, he believed everything you told him about Cameron!

Iris: Yeah, yeah, but I think you can answer him now.

Suzanne: I think you need to keep talking with him. He will just get suspicious if I say something different from what you already said. I think we need to split up the players. Maybe I will talk to Kayzer and Jackson and you can talk to Graham and maybe Miriam. But you need to talk to him now! He will wonder what's going on if you take too long.

Iris: Aww, okay...

Message: I think I will stay with Mister Graham, it just felt right. Winky face emoji. Yeah, it’s not everyone that likes fishing and it’s okay. I learned that from my grandpa. I was still in diapers when my grandpa took me fishing for the first time. Since then, I was hooked! But it’s not just the fishing part I like. Just to sit next to the water and listening to the water flow over the rocks. It quite has a calming effect on a person.  It’s my Zen time. Blushing emoji. Send message!

Graham: What a wonderful boy. Enjoys the outdoors and studies hard. I feel my heart softening for him already. 

Message: Hello Cameron! 
That sounds like a glorious place to find yourself. The sound of water is beautiful, as well as the smell. It's how I feel about a drizzly day. Listening to the sound of rain and the smell of a storm in the air is my own personal Zen place also. I would love to sit with you, as you fish, as long as you don't mind me reading a good book while I listen. 
Sincerely, Mr. Graham. Send message!

Suzanne: Aww, he sounds so sweet and adorable... If I wasn't a hard-core loner then I would've fallen for him.

Iris: Yeah, he does. Doesn't he? But, oh well, now we are 'Cameron' and a sweet young 20-year-old boy can't fell for a sweet 61-year-old man. Hehe.

Suzanne: Dang... But what stops us to get to know him better after the show?

Iris: Maybe nothing. But let me answer him before he leaves the chat.

Message: Aww, reading a book is just fine. It reminds me of my grandma when my grandpa and I went fishing. Sometimes she will go with us and then just sitting in her camping chair and reading a book while we’re fishing. Winky face emoji. She usually packs a picnic basket with freshly baked rolls and ice-cold lemonade and a piece of fruit or two. I love it when she goes with us. There’s always something to eat and drink. Hehe. Not that she doesn’t pack a basket for the 2 of us when we went alone. It’s just special when she goes with us. 
Aww, here I went on and on about me and my grannies. Mister Graham, do you have someone special in your life? Blushing emoji. Send message!

Suzanne: I can imagine sitting next to him reading a book. *dreaming*

Iris: *rolling her eyes* I thought you're happy to be single?

Suzanne: I am... But it would be nice to have someone like Graham to talk to now and then... *blushing*

Graham: I don't know if I'm ready to open up about my partner, but I think if I'm a little vague, Cameron may pick up a few clues. I wonder if he'll clue in, to my subtleties. 

Message: Hello Cameron! 
That sounds absolutely divine. It sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. 
I do have a special someone. I have been married for as long as we've been able. My partner and I couldn't be more perfect for each other, even if we tried. Believe me, we try very hard to be perfect for one another. I am very sad to be apart, but I know that I have all the support being here from back home! What about yourself? Do you have a sweetheart? 
Thank you, Graham. Send message!

Suzanne: Aww man, he got a partner and he sounds very happy...

Iris: Almost like me and Billy. But now I have to tell him about Cameron and not Billy! Why did I listen to you and enter this show as Cameron and not ourselves...? We could have a nicer conversation now!

Suzanne: I thought you are happy with Billy? You can't flirt with other guys or other older men.

Iris: I don't want to flirt with other guys or men. I just want to have a more mature conversation with Graham. Maybe we should tell him the truth!

Suzanne: What? You can't do that! They will block us with the first blockings!

Iris: Ugh! You're right.

Message: I can imagine being apart is sad for both of you. But at least you’re having fun and they can watch you on TV.  
Aww for me, I had a high school sweetheart but we broke up just before I went to uni. Maybe it’s for the best because I need to give all my attention to my studies. Send message!

Graham: Cameron is such a sweet boy and I admire his studious nature and joy for the outdoors. I am very content over our chat today. I feel as if we've made a really nice connection. 

Message: Hello Cameron! 
I am so sorry to hear about your sweetheart. I send my condolences. As I am sure you are aware, there are plenty more fish in the sea, and I hope you find comfort in your studies! 
I am off to go chat with some of the other Circle members, but I am never more than an email away! (These are emails, correct?) 
Sincerely, Mr. Graham! Send message.

Suzanne: Aww, he is actually a cute old man. Doesn't know that we're talking live with each other. I'm sure he got someone at home who does all his computer stuff for him. Maybe it's his partner.

Iris: Yeah, he does sound a lot like Billy. Billy also doesn't know about the new electronic gadgets. Luckily we got Cameron to help us if we get stuck!

Suzanne: Yeah, everything I know today I learned from my sister's kids. Today's kids are born smart! They know everything about electronics.

Iris: True... I think I'm going to end this conversation now. I still need to decide what we're going to eat tonight.

Message: Yeah, it’s kind of an email, so it’s just as good. Blushing emoji. Enjoy the rest of your stay, Mister Graham. I’m sure we’ll talk again. Send message.

Suzanne: Bye, Mr. Graham! Nice talking to you! *waving at the screen*

Jackson: I think I need to open a chat with Kayzer. Hmm, he was rather quiet during his answers. But besides that, I see some hobbies I like, fellow more extreme type.

Message: Hey Kayzer, welcome to the Circle, and nice to have someone else who's into the #extreeeeeme sports! How's you doing? You doing something for a living? Family? Send message!

Kayzer: Oooh, Jackson wants to chat with me. Let's hear what he has to say. Circle, open private chat with Jackson.

Message: Jacko! How you doing dude? I'm doing pretty good thanks. Tell me about it, can't beat extreme sports- they are the best. I'm currently between jobs at the minute, probs wasn't the best to quit when my rent was almost due but I'll worry about that another time. I see you work as a Car Tech, how is that like? Family wise I just have my sister with me, the rest of my family aren't too interested in me. How about you dude, got any family? Send message!

Jackson: Aww... Sounds like the guy has a rough time. But otherwise, he sounds friendly. He calls me Jacko! I like that!

Message: Jacko, me likes it! Wacko Jacko, feel free calling me that. Smiley face with tears emoji. I like it. Oof, I hope you'll make ends meet, hope being on the Circle helps you out there. Shock emoji. Yeah, basically means I get look at what's broken with cars and fix them up. Requires technical know how and handiness and I got those, it's really rad. There's also lots of boats round this nook, so I sometimes get those too. Speedboat emoji. 
Oof, really sorry to hear that *sends hugs* Hoping your sis is cool enough to make up for all that. As for myself I got my brother and my parents, really close with them. Helped me grow into the person who I am today and really grateful for that. Send message.

Kayzer: Jackson, seems nice and I think we might become friends.

Message: Wacko Jacko! I love it :D It's okay I'll find myself a new job quick, I'm a jack of all trades me- shame I can't master one but I'm not complaining, money is money and comes and goes! Awesome sauce Jacko, have you ever built a car or boat up from scratch? I had a mate who did that once but said it can be quite tricky. It's okay dude, it was mutual so I'm at peace with it. My sis is cool though and I like having her around. That sounds rad man, so glad you've got those people in your life! Send message!

Jackson: I really think I will become friends with Kayzer. He sounds like a good guy!

Message: That's settled then, Wacko Jacko it is. Mind if I come up with a nick for ya too? Like, Kayz? That's fine with you? Yeah, tho being a jack of all comes with flexibility which's really rad on it's own, which is cool. Wishing you luck with that job... unless ya end up winning this season, that works too. 
Haven't done that yet, so I think I can do it. It'd be neat to pull it off, you know :star: First enjoy y'all company in the Circle though. Bless ya sis as well, she sounds like a good one. Keep the people who are worth it. Yeah, I'm really blessed having them in my life, hopefully y'all can meet them after the show's over. Send message.

Kayzer: Message: Kayz! I love it, Kayz and Wacko Jacko are here to stay! Yeah, it definitely helped with flexibility, and all those different skills I've learned along the way have been beneficial one way or another in life. Winning would be so rad but I'm not counting on it. Oh yeah, it'd be so satisfying! #PimpMyBoat 
She is a good egg I'm so lucky to have her. That would be cool man, count me in! Send message!

Jackson: Message: Kayz and Wacko Jacko for life yo! Yeah, the more ya can fix yourself the better ya be at living your own life. That's what my parents always said to me, and I'm glad they did. Yeah, so many people in there and I'm sure everyone got good reasons to deserve the win! Yeah! #PimpMyBoat Niice! Hope your sis and I get to meet as well after the show, good egg fam is the best to have! Send message!

Kayzer: Message: 100% if you can fix a boat, you can fix anything 😂 Yeah definitely, have you had time to talk to anyone else since we entered yet? Yeah, she'll be up for meeting you for sure, us good eggs need to stick together! #GoodEggFam. Send message!

Jackson: Message: Yeah! Though, not everything I guess, I mean, I'm no rocket scientist. Though it'd be pretty great I figure. Going to outer space would be pretty neat though, I mean, no gravity? Think of all the loops an' tricks to pull off. As for the others, most of them seem like good eggs, Graham 'Poppycorn' is like the grandpa I never had, and Cameron is kinda quiet at first but we got them waves foaming now. Had some technical difficulties with the Circle on Emma, but those have been fixed so hopefully, I can get into a chat with her as well. Other girls are pretty great company too, though Europa hasn't texted me a thing, which strikes me as off. Yay to the good eggs! Good eggs for the #FriendshipCake! Send message!

Graham: Europa got an interesting name, Circle please open a private chat with Europa.

Message: Hello Europa! 
What a marvelous name you have! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I noticed you wrote “Bonjour” in your profile, do you speak French? I would love to know more from you! 
Thank you, Graham. Send message!

Europa: Ummm... I really don't want to talk to anyone. But I guess I need to try. I don't know why my brother forced me into doing this. Ugh! Oh well. Circle, please open the chat with Graham.

Message: No, I don't speak French. I know about "Bonjour" but that is just my way of saying hello. I kinda subconsciously say that whenever I say Hello. 
 By the way, are you aware of Greek mythology? If not, Europa was a wife to Zeus, and the entire European continent was named after her just like how I was named after her myself. Send message!

Graham: She replied! Wow!  I did not expect such a cultured reply from dear Europa and I am glad to meet her. I would love to talk Greek with her! 

Message: Bonjour, Europa! 
Ah, I see! What a joy it is. I do not know much of French either, except for some basic vocabulary I acquired in my twenties visiting France. However, what I do know is Greek, as my partner and I have been preparing to visit the Greek Isles in the near future! May I offer a fact to you, also? Europa is the name of a moon, so every time I look into the stars, I shall think of you, dear. I am glad to meet you here on The Circle. 
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!







30 minutes later
Graham: And...? Circle? Why doesn't she reply? Aww... maybe she doesn't like this old man... 

And after all the chatting the players taking a break.
Miriam is playing cards

Suzanne is practicing her sketching skills while Iris is making lunch.

Graham wants to play Cluedo.

Amir is trying out the guitar.

Kayzer is doing a workout!

Jackson wonders if he can play monopoly on his own and still win big!

Rose? What the hell are you doing?

And Europa is reading a book.

But let's just end that! The show must go on!

Rose: What now, Circle?

Miriam: Oh, I'm scared. What if they don't like me and rate me low?

Amir: Oooh, now it's time to decide who to rate high and who to rate low... Let's put Beach-Boy up at the top, he should be a safe bet. Circle, put Jackson in the first place!

Europa: I think I will put Graham second after Rose because he did reach out to me. 

Suzanne: I think we can put Miriam in the third place because we're feeling closer to Kayzer and Mr. Graham.

Iris: Yeah I think of all the girls that she was the only girl who talked to us?

Suzanne: Yep, the girls were quiet. I wonder why?

Iris: Maybe they don't like 20-year-old boys. Hehe.

Graham: Circle, I want to put Jackson in my fourth place... 

Kayzer: Circle put Europa in my 5th place. Literally haven't spoken to the girl, she could have easily taken 6th or 7th place too.

Jackson: Europa is easy-peasy, she hasn't said a word to me AT ALL. Kayz, my main bud, is also easy! As for the rest... they're pretty much a close pack, next rating could be upside down for all I know. It's crazy, dude! 

Rose: Circle, put Cameron in 7th place. Blighted Void, there's only one guy left. Sorry, Cameron.

Miriam: And submit my ratings, please Circle!

Miriam: Aww, it's time to get to know the old guy better. I really hope he isn't a catfish to pretend a nice old man. Circle opens a private chat with Graham.

Message: Hello Graham, welcome to The Circle, how are you doing? Send message!

Graham: Aww Miriam send a message to me! She was the first person I wished to message. Her profile really intrigued me! She’s a mother of a young child, and I believe we’ll have a connection between us over our families! I would love to get to know her. 

Message: Hello Miriam! 
Thank you for messaging me. I was just trying to discover how to send a message. I am feeling quite overwhelmed with this Circle device, but I am loving this experience, thus far! What a joy! How are you settling in on your end? 
Sincerely, Graham.  Send message!

Miriam: Aww, he replied back! Haha, look how he sends his messages. Like you write an e-mail! 

Message: It is quite a unique setup, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time. I am also loving it so far, though I have to admit there is a lingering feeling of homesickness already settling in. I've never been so far away from my daughter since her birth. Send message!

Graham: Aww, she's so sweet. She doesn't make fun of me.

Message: Hello Miriam! 
I have been dying to hear more about your daughter! What is her name? How old is she? Who is looking after her now? I absolutely MUST know more. 
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!

Miriam: He is such a sweet adorable guy, and look how he wants to know everything about my girl!

Message:  Haha, I will deliver you the info. Her name is Ines, she is currently two years old and her father/my fianceé is looking after her. And what about you Graham, do you have children or even grandchildren? Send message!

Graham: Aww, such a lovely woman.

Message: Hello Miriam! 
Ines sounds wonderful! I cannot imagine how difficult it must be, but I know your partner will be taking amazing care of her! I have a daughter, Charlotte, who has always been our pride and joy. She's a grown woman now, and has three children of her own, who I just adore! Family is so important to me and I can imagine it is not far from the truth from you also. 
Sincerely, Graham! Send message!

Miriam: Aww, he loves his family too.

Message:  Oh you have no idea. I love children so much and I always wanted to have kids. Also, it would be such a dream for me to be a doctor for children to help them deal with illnesses and cure them. Your family sounds amazing. Send message!

Graham: She's such a beautiful woman! I adore her! 

Message: Hello Miriam, 
What a wonderful concept! I’m so glad you’ve found yourself in a comfortable position and have become a mother! The world needs more family-oriented people, and I wholeheartedly am so pleased for you. When I finally became a father, it was the best moment of my life, almost as marvelous as becoming a grandfather! 
Sincerely, Graham. 

Mirian: Awww, cute... 

Message: Amen to that! I hope one day I will be a grandmother too, but until then I'm gonna enjoy motherhood and what else life has to offer. 
By the way, I'd be very interested to hear what made you join The Circle. Send message.

Graham: I adore her already. I am a big softie when it comes to family and parenthood. I know we will have so much to bond over with our children! 

Message: Hello again, Miriam! 
You remind me of my younger self. Always knew I was destined to be a father and a grandfather. The world made it difficult to achieve but I never gave up hope, and live my life to the fullest! 
My daughter was the main instigator for me joining this program. She knows I’m wonderful with people, but terrible with the Google and the Alexa machine! I love new experiences and this is one well out of my depth, but I am loving every minute of it! 
Sincerely, Graham. Send message.

Miriam: This was such an amazing chat and I can already feel that Graham and I have a nice relationship here and that we will look at each other in the ratings and coming blocking!

Message: Aww, that is so nice of you. You really seem like a sweet man. I can understand your daughter's intentions, but from what I see you are doing great. And if it helps, Alexa is not my thing either, especially with alarm clocks. Sometimes you have to yell so much that you have to fear that your daughter will think you are a dragon. Send message.

Jackson: Circle opens a chat with Emma. She has the same hobbies as I have, so that's a solid starting point. Though she seems to have much bigger ambitions than I have, it would be a nice contrast to talk with though.

Message: Sup. Nice to have a fellow #wavecatcher on board of this game! Nice meeting ya, how's you doing? I see you're a very ambitious person? Send message!

Amir: Oooh, Jackson wants to chat with Emma! Circle opens the chat with Jackson!

Message: Ambitious and then some! I wondered how long it would take me to find a fellow beach bum, guess I didn't have to look too far huh? One washed up right in front of me! I'm doing fab, just settling in and stuff, been checking out my bedroom and totally not jumping on the bed, cuz that's not the grown-up thing to do, right? Same question back at ya then, what's happening on your side of the house? Send message!

Jackson: Aww, she really sounds like a nice girl! I'm sure we will become friends in the Circle.

Message: Not exactly cars, but I guess I could give it a shot. #BeachBuds for life, and then we got lucky and found a few other ones around as well I'm vibing out with this group so far, have had some great chats rolling and stuff. Though I gotta try out the bed like that now you mention it, sadly won't be surfing or bodyboarding anytime soon. Guess it's only for like a week or 3 max. Can live with that tho, what's 3 weeks when it's followed with a lifetime filled with Circle fam mates? Send message!

Amir: Jackson is totally gonna be hitting on me in no time, I bet you. In fact, I hope he does, that would be so funny. haha...

Message: I'm not sure I'd go as far as to say anyone here was my "fam" yet. I mean, they could be lying to you for a start, I'm not really that comfortable with all that deception side of the game. Maybe that'll change though? I can totally relate to you dude, being away from the beach is a big bummer, I'm gonna miss it like crazy. Send message!

Amir: Aww, man! Just when I have a nice chat with the hottest guy in the Circle I have to run! Circle, can you please put that on hold? *running to the loo* I guess that cheese that I put into the spaghetti bolognese wasn't fresh!

Jackson: Emma really seems genuine. Hopefully, she won't be too upset when she saw me. I kind of playing as myself. I just don't show the 'whole' me.

Message: Who knows, it's the Circle, after all, you're right there that nothing has to be what it seems... Guess I'm kinda naive at that, though I like the thought that everyone's 100% real, or at least not faking their personalities. If anyone is someone completely different that'd be bumming. And not in a beach bum kind of way. I'm gonna miss the beach and my friends and all, though it's just for like, three weeks at most? So that's a relief. Let's hope those weeks fly by! Send message!

Jackson: And I guess she lost interest. Dang!

Kayzer: Circle, I really want to talk to Cameron. I'm sure because he is the youngest in the Circle he may feel a bit overwhelmed with all the older players.

Message: Hey Cameron! (Can I call you Cam?) How are you settling in? This is so crazy but I think it's gonna be a lot of fun.  Send message!

Suzanne: Iris! Come quick! Kayzer wants to chat with us!

Iris: Aww man why do they always want to chat when I'm busy.

Suzanne: Just put that down and come here! We can't let this hunk wait for us! 

Iris: But I thought you're going to talk to him? *go sit next to Suzanne*

Suzanne: I am, but you have to sit here in case he asks for stuff about Cameron I don't know about.

Iris: Okay... So let's start!

Suzanne: Circle please opens the chat with Kayzer!

Message: Aww, my granny also calls me Cam, so yeah go for it! Winky face emoji. I’m settling in just fine. Just missing the serenity of the fishing waters. Send message!

Kayzer: Oooh, Cameron likes to fish! 

Message: Hopefully I'll have granny's blessing to call you it, if not I'll apologize to her when we're out. That is great to hear, that sounds peaceful! I'm not much of a fisherman myself but I do like to see the fishes up close and personal when I go deep-sea diving- I'll have to bring you along sometime if that is something you might be interested in! #SwimmingWithFishes. Send message!

Iris: Oh what a gentleman. He wants granny's blessing to call us Cam.

Suzanne: Yeah, he sounds like a sweet guy. If I was younger then I could fall for him!

Iris: First Graham, and now Kayzer! I thought...

Suzanne: Yes! I do love to be alone, okay! But it is nice to talk to all these guys.

Iris: But now you are Cameron, A 20-year-old guy! Haha... 

Suzanne: Ugh! 

Message: You sounds like a really cool guy, I'm sure my granny won’t mind. Winky face emoji. I will take you up for the deep-sea diving invitation if you come with me for a day out fishing?  Send message!

Iris: But you don't like fishing!

Suzanne: Says who? I did go fishing when I was younger with my dad and my brothers.

Iris: Hehe...

Kayzer: Cameron really sounds like a good boy! 

Message: Perfect that's good to know granny will be fine with it then. Winky face emoji. Perfect! Count me in for the fishing, you're gonna have to teach me all your little tips and tricks to catching the biggest fish in the pond. Send message.

Suzanne: Oooh, now I have to make up stuff. Do you know tricks about fishing?

Iris: Hehe. Yeah, I do go sometimes with Cameron and Billy fishing. But I only read a book and make sure the men get something to eat and drink otherwise they will stay dry all day long.

Suzanne: Oh I get it! I remember my sister and I always get in trouble when we make too much noise.

Message:  The real secret to catching a fish is to be quiet and patient. I’ve learned that from my grandpa. My granny on the other hand can cook the fish that you will lick your fingers off afterward. But asking her about the recipe, then she shut close like a clam. She always told us it’s her secret and she will die with it! Hehe... Old people are sometimes strange, but I love her to bits! Send message.

Iris: Haha, that sounds funny. Old people are strange...!

Kayzer: You can see Cameron loves his grandparents a lot! I wish I can say the same to my parents. 

Message: That is a good tip indeed! I wonder if the same can be said for a catfish. Winky face emoji. Bless her she does seem sweet and a little cuckoo (in a good way of course). Old people can be odd sometimes, my grandpa likes to collect golf clubs even though he stopped playing golf years ago and my grandmother tries to collect pebbles from the beach. It does make me wonder how we will be when we get older, I'd love to know what little funny thing we'll start doing. Heart emoji. #CrazyOldPeople 

Suzanne: I can tell you what it is to be old. I'm feeling just like a 20-year-old. I didn't grow up much. Maybe a little wiser than 40 years ago. I just feel like them!

Iris: Aww, you lie! What about all the pains in the bones? 

Suzanne: Yeah, okay. Maybe we got all that but my mind is still like a 20-year-old.

Iris: You need to answer him!

Suzanne: Oh yeah, we can't let Kazer wait! What was he talking about? Oh yeah, a catfish!

Message: How to catch a catfish, you ask? First, you lure them in with the shiny artificial bait that you buy at the fishermen's shop. I’m sure they will love that not that I can’t understand why they prefer that over life bait. An earthworm must taste much better. My granny knows how to cook them without you knowing the difference between a carp and a catfish. Winky face emoji. She’s quite smart for her age and can teach the youngsters a lot of stuff. #loveoldpeople 

Iris: I don't think he was talking about a real catfish... Hehe.

Suzanne: Oh, he was talking about the players that could be catfishing... Can we erase that Circle?

Circle: Sorry, it's been sent already.

Iris: I think that is sent already.

Suzanne: Oops!

Kayzer: What? Does he really think I'm talking about a real Catfish? I do smell a catfish!

Message: Some fish just have a particular palette I suppose, but then some fish aren't what they say they are. Winky face emoji. I'd really love to meet granny when we get out of here, she seems to be a very wise woman! She isn't like Chef Bertha in the kitchen though, is she? That could be worrying if she was. Send message! 

Suzanne: Haha, sorry Kayzer! And who is Chef Bertha? Do you know?

Iris: Nope!

Suzanne: Oh well, I can't pretend I know her but I'm sure you aren't like her! She sounds mean!

Message: Yeah, my granny is definitely not like Chef Bertha. (Not that I know who is Chef Bertha) My granny is lovely, and kind and can make the most delicious meals. You need to come over when the show is over. My granny would like to meet you. Blushing emoji. Send message!

Suzanne: I think that goes off well and we made a friend in Kayzer.

Iris: And I think Kayzer knows we aren't Cameron!

Suzanne: He didn't say that!

Iris: But he can think that! Oh well, let me go finish what I was doing before the chat!

Graham: Circle, my chat with Europa didn't go so well earlier, let see if I can have a conversation with Rose. She sounds interesting and I want to get to know her better. Please opens a chat with Rose!

Message: Hello Rose! 
I thought I would open this chat to have a little conversation between us. I hope you don't mind. I would like to become acquainted with you. How are you settling in? 
Yours truly, Graham. Send message!

Graham: Fingers crossed she will talk to me!

Rose: Ugh, the old man wants to chat with me! Who says I want to talk to him? I rather turn him into a toad! Oh well, let me go talk to him. Circle opens the private chat with Graham.

Message: I absolutely don't mind! I'm settling in well, thank you - how about you? And can I just say, it's really nice to find someone with - this sounds horribly backhanded, but the confidence not to catfish all us twentysomethings and instead be your authentic self! Send message!

Rose: Ugh! I need to go throw up after this! 

Graham: Yay! She did reply to my message!

Message: Hello Rose! 
I’m delighted to hear that you are settling in well. My daughter had to explain to me a “catfish” before I came here to The Circle. I don’t see the appeal, but at the same time, what I wouldn’t give to pretend to be someone exotic for a day! I’d love to live like a rockstar, or a mother, even but for a day, just to experience what it’s like to be someone other than my silly sausage self! What do you think? 
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!









20 minutes later...
Graham: I don't understand this, Circle! Why don't the girls except for Miriam, want to talk to me? Are you sure you send the messages to the right addresses?

Circle: Yeah, Poppycorn, we do. People are just not that talkative!

Rose: Oooh, an alert! Must be the rating results!

Miriam: Okay, I'm nervous now! I just don't wan't to be in the 8th spot!

Europa: I will put my pink rabbit hat on and run through the corridors naked if I'm not number 8! I know I didn't mingle with everyone as I should've. Oh well. Just hope I don't get blocked tonight! 

Suzanne: I hope we're not rated 7th. That will be sad.

Iris: Aww, I don't think so! We did chat with almost everyone except for some of the girls!

Suzanne: Fingers crossed!

Graham: Aww, I feel bad for poor Europa coming in eighth place. 

Kayzer: I can see these girls rated low. They didn't talked to us at all. I know they didn't talked to me.

Amir: I really hope Emma will be rated higher as 6, but I guess I will be okay with that!

Jackson: Oh no! I really thought she would be rated higher!

Miriam: Oh gosh, all the other girls are in the Bottom 3... next stop... Miriam in 5th!

Rose: How did he get that spot? That's unfair! It should've been me! I will definitely turn him into a toad!

Amir: I think Kayzer or Miriam will be 4th!

Europa: Why did the guys rated the girls so low? The only girl that is more popular than us seems to be Miriam. What has she done that we didn't?

Iris: I can see Mr. Graham will be an influencer! I'm sure that will help us to stay in the game!

Suzanne: We did talk to Jackson and Miriam too, so hopefully they will keep us in the Circle! I'm really not ready to leave the game first!

Jackson: I am happy with that!

Kayzer: So Graham and Miriam is the influencers! I feel comfortable with that!

Graham: Oh goody! First place? What a marvel! I am honoured to receive such affection. I feel bad for poor Europa coming in eighth place. Also, I am apparently an "influencer"?... What the help is an "influencer"? I wish my daughter Charlotte was here to remind me what an "influencer" is supposed to do.

Miriam: THANK HEAVENS!!! I don't have to decide who to block! 

Graham: I must block another player? Immediately? Oh, how dreadful! How drastic! How... heartbreaking. Are you sure The Circle? I don't know if I agree with this sort of unruly behaviour!

Rose: Just don't let it be me! Please!

Miriam: Am I safe? I did rate second!

Jackson: Please, Poppycorn, we did become friends, didn't we?

Iris: I can feel my heartbeat. Doef, doef, doef!

Suzanne: Yeah, me too. Please Mr. Graham, save us for another day!

Graham: This is incredibly dreadful, but I am insisted that I must complete the blocking ceremony. I have had such wonderful chats with all the members of The Circle, and have come to the conclusion this evening based on how much each of you have shared with me. My heart goes out to this person, but out of all the other people I have acquainted myself with, you gave absolutely no information about yourself in our very brief chat. 

Amir: Did I talk to the old man? I'm not sure, but please don't block me!

Graham: Thus, I have chosen to block...

Kayzer: Why are you dragging it! Spit it out! It's me! Isn't it?

Graham: ...Rose.

Rose: What!!!!! Why me? I did talk to you, you old fossil and I rated you first! Why did you blocked me?

Miriam: Oh no, not Rosie!

Iris: Yes! we're safe!

Suzanne: I told you we will be okay. Your conversation with Mr. Graham did go well. I think he likes Cameron a lot! 

Amir: What now Circle? Didn't you torture us enough?

Europa: What? Is there another blocking tonight?

Jackson: Yes Circle, we know that!

Kayzer: And... Can we go to bed now?

Graham: My heart can't take this anymore. But I guess I need her an explanation in person...

To be contimue

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  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...