Saturday, May 15, 2021

Episode 2


Rose: Hello...

Rose: Graham?

Rose: Where is he?

Michelle ButeauGreetings Rose!

Rose: Oh my word! Michelle!

Michelle: You are the first player to be blocked from the Circle.

Rose: Ugh! Don't remind me that, please...!

Michelle: However, luckily for you, the Circle is giving you a second life.

Rose: What! OMG! Yes!

Michelle: Now as far as your fellow players' concern, you have been blocked from the Circle. You will even send them a goodbye video message tomorrow.

Rose: But here comes the catch... What must I do to stay in the game?

Michelle: In order to play on in the game you have to commit the ultimate identity theft.

Rose: What!!!!

Michelle: You must clone one of your fellow players in the Circle.

Rose: I can't do that!

Michelle: Tomorrow, you will re-enter the game with their identical profile.

Rose: I still don't think I can do this!

Michelle: The other players will have no idea who is the original player and who is the clone.

Rose: I can do this! I think!

Michelle: It is up to you to decide who you become in this Game of Clones!

Michelle: Now you can go back to your apartment and decide! Bye!

Rose: Yeah, who shall I clone? Miriam, Kayzer, or Cameron?

Rose: Bye, Michelle!

And what are the other players doing? Get ready for bed...
Miriam is brushing her teeth

Iris just get out of the shower

Susanne is looking for a before-bed snack!

Graham is already getting into bed.

Amir is getting in the shower!

Kayzer is brushing his teeth

Jackson is reading a bedtime story

Europa is feeling for a glass of milk

Everyone: Good night Circle!

Next morning

Europa: Aww, I am glad to be here another day! Let's see if it will be better than yesterday! Oooh, I'm a poet and don't even know it!

Jackson: Today I'm ready to make more friends! 

Rose: Yes! That must be my video message! Surprise! Biatches! I'm still in the Circle! And I'm planning to stay here!

Kayzer: Can I finish washing my plates, Circle? 

Amir: Oooh, a news feed? What is that about? 

Graham: Aww... What is a news feed?

Miriam: Aww, cool! Now we will see if she was real!

Iris: Rose left us a video message! 

Suzanne: Awesome! Can't wait to see if she's real! 

Iris: Circle opens Rose's Video message!

And then there was 7

And then, a new player
???: Oooh, nice!

???: And so big!

???: Let me check out the room...

???: Nice!

Alain: My name is Dr. Alain Lex Christopher Baumgartner. I am an Experimental Physicist and on the weekends a Halfling Rogue from the Scorched Plains. I play D&D online with friends, I don't usually talk to people normally in real. And the reason why I participate in the show is that my mom is getting tired of me and wanted me to leave the house and socialize with "real" people. This is a social, but not too social event and I can eat all the instant noodles I want without someone nagging me to eat my broccoli.

And now let's see what the Circle wants from me. Circle opens my profile.

Alain: Circle put up the picture of me at the river.

Alain: And write at my bio, Dr. Alain Christoper Baumgartner. Experimental Physicist at day and Halfling Rogue at night. I play D&D online. I don't like socializing with people in real life... It makes me nervous... But my mom kicked me out that's why I'm here.

Alain: I guess that will work! I hope!

Miriam: Another alert! What now, Circle? 

Rose: I wonder if that is me? I didn't give them the name of the player who I want to clone yet!

Amir: Oooh, a nerd! Circle opens Alain's profile!

Europa: Ugh! Not my kind of guy!

Miriam: Oooh, let's ask the newbie some questions to know him better!

Message: Hey Alain, welcome to our fun little group. I'm gonna assure you that after this you will love socializing, but no pressure. You said you are an experimental physicist, which seems quite specific for a career, or maybe it is just me being a physics-illiterate. What I really want to know is how did you get to this profession? Send message!

Alain: Message: Hi Miriam. Thank you for being interested in me and my work. I'm happy you ask about it. When I was younger I liked to stay indoors and watch my cartoons and play my Mario games. My mom got tired of me and send me outside to play in our backyard. She did not let me back inside for 1 hour! I started to observe my surroundings and found little ants in the sand. I started to create theories on their strength. I had a P&J sandwich and started to give them more and bigger crumbs and watched them struggle with it, alone, or together when another ant would help. - Ok I'll save you further details, but I have written the whole experiment in my journal and all the outcome of it. But from that day my dream was to become an experimental physicist! Send message.

Kayzer: Message: Hi Alain! Welcome to The Circle. Since you are a doctor, which experimental projects are you working on at the moment? Send message!

Alain: Message: Hi Kayzer. Thank you for welcoming me. Currently, I am working on the theory to create power out of still water. I believe there is a way we can use half a bottle of water to power a small cooling system. This is mostly a personal thing because my mom does not let me have an AC. But I live in an area with very, very, hot summers during online Magic: The Gathering tournaments. Send message!

Iris: I guess I can ask the newbie a question?

Suzanne: Wow! It looks like you start loving this?

Iris: Actually I do! Hehe.

Message: Hi Alain! Welcome, and I hope you will enjoy it in the circle. Tell me what did you do that your mom kicked you out? Send message!

Alain: Hi Cameron. Nice to meet you. I literally did nothing. My mom just got a new boyfriend. I only leave my bedroom to eat and I stay inside to not be bothered by anyone. But her boyfriend now calls me a mouse for searching for food during the night and - in his words - "nibble on his raspberry pies".

Graham: Hello Alain! Welcome to The Circle! My question to you is the following. Are you doing okay, now that you are out of home? Is there anything I may do for you, outside The Circle? Sincerely, Graham.

Alain: Thank you for your question, Graham. I haven't really thought about it yet since it has been quite recent. But I am happy that your offer is sincere. If there would be anything, I will let you know.

Jackson: "Hey hey hey Alain, welcome to the Circle! My first question to you is: What part of the Circle are you looking for the most to enjoy?"

Alain: Hi Jackon. A pleasure to meet you.
The one thing that I like the most is that I can meet new people, but safely from behind a screen.
I think my mom is right in a way - and I hate to admit that she is - but I do need to get real-life friends.
I used to be bullied a lot for having a speech impediment. And as a child, I had issues with continuously stuttering, with the bullying it only got worse. At one point I just stopped talking out loud and even talking in public at all. I don't stutter anymore because I practiced talking while typing. I would read out loud what I was typing in online chatrooms and in games in the safety of my own bedroom. It's hard to talk about it, but if I can go home with one real friend, then I already won the game on a personal level.

Emma: Hey Alain, welcome to the Circle! I don't really know what half of your profile is talking about. So, my question to you is, what the heck is an Experimental Physicist and what does it do?

Alain: Hi Emma. Thanks for the welcome. It's ok not to understand my profession, half of the times I also question what I am doing myself, hehe..
To say it simple: I observe what is going on, create a theory on why it is the way it is. And then the fun part begins: I build things that provide the proof of the theory. For example, people that watch Star Wars think that lightsabers can be built with modern-day technology, or that we can even create the technology that we can use to build them.
Working on something to proof a certain theory and continue to create it, that's basically what keeps me off the streets. Hehe... That was a joke. I don't go out on the streets.

Europa: "Can you name one thing that very few people know about you?"

Alain: Hi Europa. I can play the clarinet. My mom forced me to take classes when I was like 10, and I continued following them until I was 16/17. She thinks I threw the clarinet out after I quit the classes, but I still have the clarinet in my closet. When she goes out for date nights, I take the clarinet out and play a song or two.

And after this, someone in the Circle is getting an alert

Rose: Another alert? What is this about?

Rose: I did think hard about this and I am going to clone... 

Graham! He has a very obvious tic with his messages, making him reasonably easy to clone.

And Europa decides to open a group chat with Jackson and Kayzer
Europa: I guess I should apologies for my non-social skills yesterday. Circle opens a chat with Jackson and Kayzer.

Message: Hey, sorry for not replying to your messages the other day. I took a very long nap the other day, and I woke up to a bunch of messages. I hope that is alright. Send message!

Jackson: Oooh Europa wants to chat with me and Kayzer. Hopefully, she will apologies for not talking yesterday!

Message: Heya Europa, didn't get to chat a lot together last round, how's ya doing today? Apology accepted, hoping today will be a new story Any thoughts about the other players so far? Send message!

Kayzer: No worries Europa, we can catch up with everything now. Make sure you're not too comfortable though, wouldn't want you to fall asleep again. How are you settling in? Also, what do you think about the recent blocking and new player?

Jackson: What? What's wrong with that girl? She just apologies and then left!

Kayzer: OMG! That girl is really...

After that mishap, Jackson decides to talk to Graham
Jackson: Hey Poppycorn, congrats for getting top spot WOOP WOOP! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 And me's made it to third so I can say I'm proud of myself too! Hope we're in it for the long run! Sorry, ya had to block Rose though Being the first with blood on your hands is never fun :c Hope the rest also realizes it's part of the game, in the end, I for sure ain't blaming you.
Soooo, a new day in the Circle, how's your morning been so far?

Graham: Greetings Jackson!
Third place is not even close to what you deserved, my dear boy! I am proud of you, but also rather surprised I found myself in the position of "Influencer". I didn't quite enjoy the experience, nor do I understand what being an "Influencer" means in the first place, but alas, I have done my part, albeit somber and heartbreaking. I feel sorry for poor Rose, but she only sent one email to me, and it was to thank me for "not being a catfish and being myself". It didn't give much insight into her. Did you have much connection with Rose?
Sincerely, Poppycorn.

Jackson: Hmm, I did exchange a few messages with Rose, tho she wasn't a girl of many words. We mostly chatted about what made us sign up to the Circle, she was convinced by her super fan boyfriend to join. Also tried to pry a bit bout her #MagicHands but didn't get far. Though she did say a few things, Europa never told me a thing last round. Guess she's a silent one.
Influencer practically means you're the most popular in the Circle, so you've done a great job. I say keep it up! Hopefully, I can be up there too one time, though I ain't looking forward to blocking someone. Sorry, ya had to go through all that.

Kayzer opens a chat with Miriam
Kayzer: Hey Miriam! I'm so glad that we're here in the game still, how have you been since the blocking and what do you think about Alain joining?

Miriam: Hey Kayzer! I'm also very glad that we are still here, I'm enjoying myself so much right now. I feel bad for Rose, I feel like she had much potential, but I think Graham had the least connection to her, and somebody sadly had to go. I certainly am glad I didn't have to choose because Week 1 is usually the hardest week to choose. I honestly am excited for Alain. I had my thoughts at first looking at the, but from the questions section I feel like he is actually a sweet and interesting guy and I can't wait to get to know him more. How about you?

Kayzer: I'm glad to read you're doing well, I'm also enjoying myself - this game is a lot more fun than I expected. It's a shame for Rose but someone has to go first sadly. I've been thinking about what she said about her boyfriend playing before though, I wonder who she was speaking about? Yeah, I like Alain too, I think I also had those first impressions based on the picture but really glad to see that Alain was quite fun.

Miriam: Yeah, she said her boyfriend was the first boot too, but as far as I'm aware we have a girl who gets blocked the first curse going on, so he might be from another show... Hhhm, tricky. But it was nice to know that she was the real deal. :) I think with Alain he is more of an introvert, so I really hope for him that he comes to his own here. His mother sounds far from pleasant though, especially if she values her boyfriend more than her own flesh and blood.

And the Newbie wants to start his first chat with Cameron
Alain: I think I want to talk to Cameron. Circle opens a chat with Cameron.

Message: How are you doing? I think it's awesome you are a bio-agricultural student, perhaps we can work together on some experiments one day to build a better sustainable future. I have a counter-question for you: If you get lost in the jungle, what other current participant would you like to be with and why? Send message.

Suzanne: Oooh, the new guy wants to talk to us! 

Iris: I guess it's your turn to talk to him.

Suzanne: Okay... Circle opens the chat with Alain

Message: That would be great, I would love to tap into your knowledge as I think we can learn a lot from each other. And for your other question, I think you would be my best option because you sound very knowledgeable about nature. Send message!

Alain: I think we can make a great team. But I am afraid that I will have to give my life to you in a heroic kind of way. Simply because my asthma will kick in and you can steal my food. Hehe... This is a joke. I hope you understand it.

Suzanne: Hehe... I promise I won’t steal your food. I will rather help you with your breathing. Just let me know how I can help you with that? Should I give you an asthma pump or a paper bag?

Alain: I trust your instinct upon our survival.

Then Rose gets another alert

Rose: What now Circle?

Rose: Oooh, a game! That should be interesting! Circle, I'm ready!

An alert for the rest of the Circle!

Miriam: An alert? I hope it's a game!

Amir: Circle what are you up to now?

Europa: Oooh, it's a game... 

Iris: This looks fun! Let's decides who does what in the game!

Graham: Statements? What must we do with that?
Alain: Sounds interesting! I love games!

Kayzer: That should be easy.

Jackson: I'm ready! let the games begin!

Rose: I'm sure Graham will vote that it should be kept in the fridge!

And after everyone voted Circle displayed it so that everyone can see what the others voted for!

Graham: Graham: It says so on the packaging, does it not? I'm not that much of a wild child to disagree with the manufacturer, surely!

Jackson: Ketchup should be kept in the fridge: If you prefer it that way then you should keep it in the fridge. I like my ketchup fresh for sure. 

Kayzer: The ketchup will get too cold if it's left in the fridge, it needs to be a bit warm when it goes on your food no?

Miriam: The real question is if ketchup should be kept at all. Kidding, kidding! Personally, I don't like regular ketchup, tastes way too much like sugar for me. I do like spiced ketchup though, and honestly, I prefer it outside the fridge, so I guess I'm gonna say no to ketchup in the fridge.

Alain: Ketchup should be in the fridge once it has been opened. Once it is closed you can store it at room temperature.

Suzanne: Where I live ketchup gets sour if it's not in the fridge.

Iris: That's true! And I don't like sour ketchup!

Amir:  I mean, why would you put cold Ketchup on hot food? That's gross! It just warms up anyways and it defeats the whole point of condiments. I can understand like putting Mayo or something in the fridge 'cause it goes bad when it gets warm and then it's like mushy rotten eggs but like let's stop talking about it, yuck, it's making me go green.

Europa: I don't really care much about where I keep my ketch-up at. Sometimes, I put it in the fridge. Other times, I'll just put it in the pantry.

And the next question

Rose: I'm sure Graham can't do that so he will say no...

Graham: I am FAR too stiff and not at all flexible. I frankly cannot do it!

Jackson: I can't lick my elbow: Sadly I'm not that flexible. 

Kayzer: My arms are too long and my neck is just not that flexible guys...

Miriam: I hate to admit it, but I had a time where I was really invested in trying this. I know, not my finest moment. It was at a party and I was hella wasted and I convinced myself I had new invincible powers that would allow me to do it. I learned three important lessons that night. Number 1: I can't lick my elbow. Number 2: A broken arm doesn't feel better when you are drunk. Number 3: Hospital food is actually delicious.

Alain: I feel too silly to try it out.. oh well.. I can.. bewelly.. touch it.. lemme.. twy.. again... ... Nope can't do. 

Suzanne: I can! Taking a photo of my arm and then lick my elbow!

Iris: That's cheating! Hehe!

Suzanne: Says who?

Amir: I can totally lick my elbow, I just need to be drunk first... and don't ask me to prove it, okay?

Europa: Ew. Why would anyone do that?

And the last Question...

Rose: This is a tricky question and goes either way. Some people love animals, others don't. But Graham looks like the type that will love animals so I go for thumbs down for Graham!

Graham: Everybody deserves a chance. I love animals, however, I am not everyone. There may be wonderful people out there, who might have fears or worries about animals, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to be seen as trustworthy.

Jackson: I personally enjoy the company of cats and dogs, tho I get it if someone feels uncomfortable around certain animals and if someone has a fear it should be respected. If someone is abusive towards animals though, that's where I draw the line not to trust 'em. 

Kayzer: People can not like animals and be good people, I don't like snakes as they're too slimy and look like they're going to eat you and I'm a good person.

Miriam: Okay, in danger to sound super cliche, but can we just agree it is stupid to judge people just because they don't like something? Maybe they have their reasons to not like animals. I decided for myself that I'm going to listen to everybody's opinion. I don't have to agree with everybody, and people don't have to agree with me, but as long as we can have a civil conversation about it, I think it is fair to hear everybody out, else we would pass unfair judgment just because we disagree, even if it is in one single thing. For the record though, I do like animals, hehe.

Alain: In general I agree. But I do not trust people who trust lizards. Lizards cannot be trusted in general. 

Iris: I guess not all people like animals but I'm sure it doesn't make them bad.

Suzanne: Agree with that!

Amir: I don't like hamsters but that doesn't make me untrustworthy, does it? or maybe it does? What about allergies and stuff? I wouldn't trust an animal, what about sharks? or wild tigers? Animals bite and scratch just as much as hoomans.

Europa: It depends on which animal we're talking about. If they don't like cute little cats or hamsters, then I wouldn't exactly get along with them. However, if they don't like animals such as grizzly bears or lions, then their dislike of them may be more justified as people got hurt by those animals before. 

Rose: And now it's my time to shine... I'm gonna turn you all in toads! Mwhahahahaha...

Miriam: What the? What's going on?

Amir: Are we going to have multiple blocking? 

Europa: Does this mean I can go to bed?

Iris: What can this be?

Suzanne: It can be anything... Let's wait and see.

Graham: This doesn't look good! Is the Circle going to explode?

Alain: What? Am I seeing right? Are there 2 Grahams now in the Circle?

Kayzer: 2 Grahams? 1 must definitely be an imposter!

Jackson: How do we know who is the real Graham?

Rose: Yes! let the Game of Clones begin!

Message: Hello Circle,
This is Graham. Red Graham, I suppose, although Real Graham might be a better moniker. I'm the one the grandkids call Poppycorn!

Greetings Members of The Circle!
May I ask, what does it mean when there are two of my portrait on the screen? Has there been a problem that I shall alert production about? Is this a usual occurrence? I am rather baffled by this revelation and may need someone to walk me through this process.
Sincerely, Graham.

Alain: I guess we can start asking them questions?

Message: What chemical element did I drop in water to and advise you not to do? Send message!

Rose: Oooh, I need to guess this one. Oh, wait! I remember sodium from chemistry class!

Hello Alain,
Ah, don't test an old man's failing memory! However, I believe it was sodium.
Yours sincerely, Graham.
Message send!

Graham: Hello, Alain!
Why, forgive my poor memory skills, but I am certain you warned me about sodium. Is that not in a substance like salt? Perhaps, this dog IS too old to learn new tricks. Ha ha!
Thank you, Graham.

Suzanne: How do I address you when I send messages?

Rose: You can call me whatever you want... 

Hello Cameron,
You may call me Graham, Red Graham, or Red if you wish.
Sincerely, Graham.

Graham: Hello Cameron!
Of course, you address me as Mr. Graham! You feel it's disrespectful even after I specifically told you, you can call me Graham.
Sincerely, Mr. Graham.

Jackson: Wellll, didn't see *that* one coming I could be asking about what this twist is about but that'd be what everyone's doing so... Does twice the Poppycorns mean there's gonna be twice the popcorn for us? I figure we be needing that with 9 people in. The more the merrier! XD

Rose: Hello Jackson!
No, neither did I. I'm afraid I don't know, as I had no knowledge of this twist and have no inkling of who the other me is! You are right about the more the merrier though.
Who do you think he is?
Yours truly, Graham.

Graham: Greetings Jackson!
Jackson my dear boy, I am as shocked as yourself. Perhaps, twice the popcorn is just what the circle needed. Ha ha! Although, with my line of work, I think at least one of us should definitely start working at a butter factory, post haste!
Deliciously buttery, but with salutations, Graham.

Kayzer: Blue and Red Graham, one of you has already blocked a player in The Circle. If you had the chance to block another player right now, who would it be and why?

Rose: Hello Kayzer,
If I had to take on that disheartening job once again, I would block Europa for the same reason I blocked Rose. She seems a lovely woman, but I just don't get along with her quite as well - and I also have my suspicions she's a catfish, now I know what it is.
What do you think?
Yours sincerely, Graham.

Graham: Hello, Kayzer!
Oh my, oh my. I wouldn't like to be influencer again after my first experience. I think everyone knows how taxing it was on my mood.
Well, if I'm honest, I would block Red Graham! Ha ha! I'm joking, of course, I'm sure he is a lovely chap, in reality.
Sincerely, Poppycorn.

Miriam: "Hello to both Grahams, seems like we have a colorful bunch here. My question to both of you is, do you have any grandchildren, and if yes, how many?

Rose: Hello Miriam!
Ah, don't make me embarrass myself on live television! But three so far, if you must.
Yours truly,

Graham: Hello Miriam!
My dear, we have had a wonderful connection from the beginning, so I hope you remember my answer to this question. I have three grandchildren, but have always been hopeful for more on the way. My daughter Charlotte has three beautiful little ones who I absolutely adore! Two girls, Casey and Indigo, and a young boy named Charlie. I'm sure they would love to meet you!
Sincerely, Graham.

And after that, the players decided it's time to make something to eat while pondering about the 2 Grahams.

Ummm... Not everyone... Kayzer what are you thinking?

And Amir hit the shower! Sorry people no nude pics this time 😉

And with that,

To be Continue...

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  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...