Thursday, September 23, 2021

Episode 6


Greetings, Emma

I come with important news

As a result of the last challenge, you will now face a punishment

This punishment will see you fight for your place in The Circle

You will be sent on a secret mission to become the Assassin >:)

Your mission is to pick a target and to get them blocked at the next rating

If you succeed and get them blocked, you could stay

However, if you failed then you will get blocked!

Emma, you must now pick who your target will be...

Amir: Wow, okay, thanks for nothing guys. Pfft! Uh, I guess I'll go with Alain as my target because everyone else is really liked, I got no chance of getting Graham or Miriam blocked, Alain is the new guy so I don't think he's made that much of an impression yet, and could be my only shot at staying.

And then it's bedtime

The next morning...

And it's time for Amir to do his thing...
Amir: Circle opens a chat with Jackson...

Message: Hey Jackson, I'm doing well, having a fairly good day so far, I need to figure out the air-conditioning in my apartment, I like it warm but gosh, it's roasting in here! I've been talking to Alain a bit actually. He's a weird guy, isn't he? He keeps sharing all these weird conspiracy theories about The Circle with me, he had a theory about you actually, no joke, do you wanna hear it? I laughed so hard! Send message!

Jackson: Hey, Emma wants to chat but what weird stuff is she talking about?

Message: Tip: you have to hold the big green button for 5 seconds, the AC will reset to 22 degrees Celcius. After that press the blue button to lower the temp by half a degree each. Unless the unit in your apartment is by a different manufacturer, though I'm confident that's not the case. Text me back if it works or not ..... Mechanics have an eye for stuff like this. :joy:
He's a bit of an odd one, though I'm trying to make him feel welcome here :) I know he's a theorizer, he's shared one with me 'bout holding his breath in bath already this morning. Y'know what, let's share his theory about me. Hoping it's not a negative one though. Send message!

Amir: I really hope he believes me otherwise I can say bye-bye Circle!

Message: Well, he seems to think that you are Laurel Lemon-Lime?! He says that based on your party pic that girl on the far right looks way too familiar and that he thinks it's only fair that we all know, I was like, you are a crazy dude and he got really annoyed. I hate to say it but he's kinda rude, he hasn't spoken to me since and when I tried to message him he said he's been avoiding me. I'm thinking, yeah, same to you buddy. Anyways, thanks for the help with the AC, talk about confusing? I'll give it a whirl and see what happens, how have you been btw? Anything exciting happening in the Circle today? Send message!

Jackson: Message: Wow. I guess that hashtag is his doing then. Not sure who Laurel Lemon-Lime is, but 100% sure that's Rei over there holding her BF Harley. She's actually the least surfy of the gang, she prefers reading in the sun while some of the others catch a wave. Shame things have been cold between the two of you since. Hoping there's something I can do to help things out a bit and set things straight?
Good luck with the AC, really sorry you've been left out at the parties with everyone. Hope you get something later on to compensate, maybe we should have a word with the Circle people about it. Mostly been chatting with the others, also having a foster kid in here: remember Wilson the volleyball from last season? I and Miriam temporarily adopted him XD. Send message!

Amir: Message: Oh yeah, I remember! Say hi to Wilson for me! Wow, you know that makes so much sense now? I wonder what other rumors he's been spreading? I bet he's the one that's been telling people I've been talking crap about Cameron, 'cause I had Cameron asking me why I was spreading rumors about him being an old lady and I had no idea what he was talking about. This sucks, he's only been here a few days and he's already turning people against me. I'm not surprised people left me out of the party Jackson, it's all Alain's fault! Send message!

Jackson: Message: Wilson says hi back. And I'm honestly surprised with everything going on behind my back, I thought things have been pretty swelled so far. Guess I was wrong and I'm honestly not liking it that I'm wrong on the situation. I want to thoroughly get to the bottom of this and get the truth out. Send message!

Jackson: One down, 4 to go! Circle opens a chat with Cameron.

Message: Hey hey! How's it going, Cam? Just wanted to catch up with you, it seems like ages since we talked, I know you've probably been busy and stuff but I wanted to let you know, I've been talking to Alain lately, and well, he's a real oddball you know? He's been spreading rumors that you are an old lady, tell me that's not true? Send message!

Iris: What? Do you believe that?

Suzanne: I'm not sure that can be true. Alain would've never done that!

Iris: Let's hear what she has further to say!

Message: What? Do you believe that? Do I seem like an old lady to you? I really need to go talk to him and ask him why he spread such lies... Send message!

Amir: I guess it's going to be hard to convince Cameron that Alain is a baddy... Oh well, it's him or me... And I'm not going anywhere!

Message: Well, I dunno dude, I guess he's been speaking to a few people 'cause I've heard other people talk about it, I don't care if you are an old lady or not, honest! I'm just happy with the Cameron we got, you know? I've heard a rumor about Alain actually, people seem to think he's a Robot AI, I know it sounds weird but it kinda makes sense? He's been "Glitching" when he's been talking to me lately like he's been repeating the same things over and over, he sent me the same two messages twice! It's like he's just got these pre-programmed responses or something? 🤖#AI-ain. Send message!

Suzanne: Oh goody... Emma, what are you talking about? First Alain talking shit about us and now he acts like a robot. Emma, deary you are up to something but what?

Message: A robot? Do you think Alain may be a robot? That sounds fishy. Send message!

Amir: I really need to convince him! Ugh, I shouldn't mention the rumors first.

Message: Yeah, he's still doing it, he's sending these weird robot-like messages and Jackson said he noticed it too, it's almost like he's malfunctioning? He's also got like no emotions, when I was talking about my family back home he started repeating "does not compute" and then apologized saying that there must be something wrong with the Circle, weird huh? Send message!

Suzanne: Do you believe this woman? I'm sure there is something going on with her.

Message: Yeah, that is totally weird and almost unbelievable. Maybe there's a glitch in your TV. Do you experience it from others too when you send messages to them? Send message!

Amir: Come on Cameron, believe me!

Message: Nope, it's just from him, I keep trying to tell people but it's like I'm the only one who is noticing it. Jackson and Miriam kinda, believe me, they've noticed some strange things going on with him and the Circle since he joined. Maybe we should keep an eye on it? Send message!

Amir: Aww, I don't know if Jackson and Cameron believe me but let's see if we can convince Graham. He is older than the others and just maybe I can convince him there's something wrong with Alain. Circle opens a chat with Graham.

Message: Hey Poppycorn! How's it hanging? I've missed talking to you, to be honest, you always have such great stories to share. I could use your advice actually, I've been wanting to ask Miriam if she'd go on a date with me after the show but I'm kinda nervous, how would you go about asking someone out? I've been dropping some little hints here and there but I don't think she's noticed, like the Snog, Marry, Avoid game, sorry about putting avoid for you without an explanation btw, I thought you'd understand considering you were married and I didn't want to make your husband upset or anything. Send message.

Graham: Message: Hello Emma.
Yes, I completely understand the avoid response for the recent party game we played. I do not take it to heart as I know everyone in here is absolutely wonderful.
However, what I do not understand is your recent email. Consider this old man confused! Pardon my forgetful brain, but didn’t you say you had a sweetheart back home with the name of Emma, also?
My advice to you is that if perhaps isn’t a good idea. Miriam is wonderfully engaged and has a beautiful young child in her life. I believe she may not be interested in such an activity.
Sincerely, Graham. Send message

Amir: No one is going to believe Alain is a robot AI but heck, If I convince at least one person it's gonna be really funny. 

That would have been a great twist for a catfish in that it was a computer all along, AIain! Oh my god, it makes so much sense that this could actually work. 

Iris: I guess it's Rating time...

Suzanne: Yep... Hopefully, we can stay a little bit longer.

Graham: Awww... Hopefully, I don't go home this time.

Alain: Am I still protected?

Michelle: Nope, Alain. Sorry... You can also get blocked from the Circle this time.

Jackson: Circle put Kayzer as my number 1. 

Kayzer: Circle I want Graham in the second spot.

Miriam: Put Kayzer 3rd, please Circle.

Amir: Kayzer is getting the 4th spot.

Suzanne: I guess we can put Jackson in the 5th place.

Graham: Alas Emma will get my last spot.

Alain: Circle, send in my ratings!

Miriam: Oh no! Is that the rating result already?

Amir: Come on Circle, I still need to talk to a few more players!

Iris: Maybe it's another game?

Suzanne: Yeah, it's too soon for the results!

Graham: Aww, we're going to make poems... I love it!

Alain: Oh man... I'm not good with words...

Jackson: Can we choose the player?

Kayzer: Awesome! I love poems!

Alain: Awww... That's cool. I wonder who wrote it?

Suzanne: Awww... sweet! I'm sure it's Alain or maybe Kayzer who wrote it!

Iris: Yeah, it is a nice poem. Hugs to the writer!

Miriam: Aww, so nice... It almost sounds like Graham. Did you?

Kayzer: Wow! I'm so pleased! Such nice wording... I'm almost in tears...

Jackson: Wow! That's so nice...

Graham: Hehe, that's funny! I will stay sweet my dear writer. Thanks!

Amir: Aww... That is so sweet, I guess... I hope I will be able to talk to everyone before the results came out. I really don't want to go home! Circle opens a chat with Miriam.

Message: That sounds real nice living in the countryside, I'd totally live out on a farm if I could but you know, my work dictates that I live nearer the city. I've tried camping but I'm not sure it's really my thing. #TooinTentsforme I've been meaning to talk to you actually, I wanted to talk to you earlier but then the chats closed and I got stuck, Alain has been acting kinda weird lately, he's been repeating himself a lot, like when I talk to him he repeats the exact same thing he's just said or he'll say something weird like I could be talking about the beach and he'll tell me some random fact about the denseness of space or quantum physics, I know it sounds weird but... I think he might be a robot AI or something? Send message!

I'm hoping my gf will forgive me but I'm thinking if I can convince Graham I want to go on a date with Miriam he might keep me around.

Miriam: Emma? What are you talking about?

Message: It certainly isn't made for everybody, and I can imagine that a vibrant city can be more inspiring at times. You also seem more like somebody who feels more comfortable in a big crowd.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I personally haven't noticed repeats, but I did see random facts from him already. I get your point, and it seems a bit suspicious, but it also could just be his quirk, he has mentioned he isn't much into communication. I don't think that he is an AI though, I mean they wouldn't cast one, right? ... right? Send message!

Amir: Message: Yep, that's me all over, I like to be the center of attention. :D I'm not so sure about Alain, other people have noticed him acting a bit weird too, he's been "glitching" if you know what I mean like I was asking him about his family, you know why his Mom kicked him out and stuff then he started freaking out and saying "Does not compute!" over and over again. It was the strangest conversation I've had so far, then this morning, I asked him about it and he denied it ever happened! :o I feel like I'm going mad but I know what I saw...
OMG! Miriam, I've just noticed something, look at the first two letters of Alain's name, AI! That can't be a coincidence, can it? Send message!

Miriam: Emma? Really?

Message: Emma, now you are reading too much into this. Al and AI are two different things. The only robot I have ever seen was this HEALTH-E guy from Jetset, do you really think a robot would be cast? Send message!

Amir: Message: What if it is HEALTH-E? Or maybe a distant relation like NERD-E? :D I dunno, I can't shake this feeling that something isn't quite right with him, like he's hiding something and if he really is a robot then I think we should like, test him and see what he says, maybe not outright asking him but you know, ask him some questions? Send message!

Miriam: Message: Oh god, are we Spongebob and Squidward being scared of robots and accusing Mr. Krabs of being one? Send message.

Kaizer: I wonder what's going on in the Circle. It seems quiet after the poetry. Circle opens a chat with Emma!

Message: Hey Emma! Thought I'd pop in and see how you are doing? Send message!

Amir: Oooh, I almost forget about Kaizer boy... Circle opens the chat with Kayzer!

Message: Hey! Not so bad here, I'm just... well, trying to solve a bit of a mystery like some strange things are happening with the Circle right now and I'm not sure I understand it. I've been talking to people and you know, just trying to keep busy, it's so easy to lose yourself here. How's it going with you? Send message!

Kayzer: I thought I missed something...

Message: Ooh a mystery?! I do like a good mystery, what's happening that I'm not aware of? 🕵️‍♂️ I'm doing good thanks just keeping busy with talking to peeps, it's been so crazy with everything happening in the game lately. Send message!

Amir: I really need to get this guy on my side because he got a big chance to win the ranking!

Message: Well, brace yourself, I think... the new guy Alain... is a robot. Hear me out, he's a robot AI posing as a real person, you know why I think that? He's been sending weird messages to people and not just me, he's been repeating the same messages to different people and... he's been glitching out when you ask him certain things, like personal things, almost like the AI can't think of something to say? He just repeats "does not compute" and tells you some random fact about space or something, it's really odd. Send message!

Kayzer: Message: A robot? How interesting. I haven't seen much on this front but we haven't talked much for me to notice. I may have to try and catch him out the next time I message him. I wonder if we could get him to confess to being a catfish through direct questions... or a robot fish? Whatever works best. Send message!

Amir:  I hate to do all this mudslinging but I gotta do what I gotta do and well, Alain openly admitted he was avoiding me earlier so, no love lost there. And hopefully, Kayzer and Jackson become Influencers. I'm sure they believe my stories... Haha.

Alain: Circle I want to chat with Emma. Can you please open a chat with her?

Message: Hi Emma, hope there are no hard feelings about the fact that I decided to share my price with Cameron. If it was up to me, I would have shared it with both of you. Send message!

Amir: Aww, just my day! The person that I have to get blocked wants to chat with me! 

Message: Of course, there's no hard feelings dude, It's all good, I get it, you wanted to be nice to Cameron's Grandma. Send message!

Alain: I am now imagining if I didn't pick him that his grandma would be waiting outside of the building to hit me with her purse, lol. I noticed that there were some nasty hashtags on your party picture. Just to make clear, I never thought you were a catfish, and I hope that you can ignore those comments and won't feel left out by them. I know how it is to be singled out. Send message.

Amir: Message: Pfft, now that's funny dude! Sounds like you have a theory who it might have been writing those hashtags? Send message!

Alain: Message: I might have some theories, but I don't know everyone. I do think that it couldn't have been Cameron since we are close. But if I go over the Snog Marry Avoid game, there are some things that stand out: there were 3 people that wanted to snog you: Cameron, Kayzer, and Jackson. They must like you and wouldn't think you were a catfish. The ones who did not mention you were Graham and Miriam. Now that I find it suspicious since you wanted to avoid Graham, there might be a theory in there... Time for... EXPERIMENTS. Send message!

Amir: Message: I'll let you in on a secret, I've suspected Graham of being a catfish for a while but nobody will believe me. #onlysaneone Everyone says how great he is but... I just get a really weird vibe from him when we talk, he's got everyone on his side and anyone who disagrees with him, well, they get blocked. What do you think about him? Send message!

Miriam: I'm feeling scared...

Amir: Now or never! Bring it on!

Iris: Hopefully it's not us! 

Suzanne: Fingers crossed!

Graham: Aww, it's Alain. I wonder if the people fell for Emma's stories? He is such a nice young man!

Alain: I wonder what happened? Why was I rated so low?

Jackson: Aww, Emma is in 6th place.

Kayzer: Not me!

Miriam: Aww Cameron got 5th place! 

Amir: Hopefully, Kayzer, and Jackson can be first and second!

Iris: Aww, Miriam is fourth! I hoped for a higher place! She's so nice.

Graham: Hopefully, it's me. I don't want to block someone!

Alain: So Kayzer and Jackson will be Influencers again! Nice...

Jackson: What? Kayzer and I are influencers again! Wow!

Kaizer: Yes! Love to be an Influencer again! Thanks, guys!

To be continued...

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  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...