Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Episode 4


Rose: This should be very interesting! It's a pity Blue Graham wasn't on the block!

Miriam: Oooh... I'm scared!

Jackson: It honestly sucks we have to block someone, it was really difficult, but Kayzer and I made a final decision. We had some good chats going on with everyone, so it was rough for us. We talked all options through and we came to the conclusion that blocking this person hurts the least for us.

Amir: Ugh... I hope it's not Emma!

Jackson: The person we sadly decided to block is...

Europa: If it's not me, I will go on a streak!

Jackson: Europa

Iris: I kind of expect that! Accordingly, everyone that we've talked to said she wasn't very talkative!

Suzanne: Yep, she didn't even speak with us at all!

Graham: Aww, I'm feeling sad for Europa.

Alain: And now there are just 8 left...

Kayzer: Aww man! What now circle?

Jackson: I really hope she doesn't come here!

Europa: Hello...

Rose: What?

Europa: Hey Rose, I see you were able to come back to the game! The people were right! They all suspected that Red Graham is you!

Rose: Hey Europa! Nice to finally meet you in person! Yeah, shit of a twist this... Not sure how I'm supposed to cope for too long!

Europa: Yeah, but at least you got a second chance. I wish you good luck out there.

Rose: Maybe you're right. I got a second chance to redeem myself! Can you give me advice on how to handle this?

Europa: Haha, asking for advice from a person that just got blocked? So why did you choose Graham to clone?

Rose: Haha, yeah, I think we should ask the pros how to stay in the game. And why did I choose Graham? He has a very obvious tic with his messages, making him reasonably easy to clone... So far I managed well, I think!

Europa: I think you did well, so good luck with that! 

Rose: Yeah, I guess I need lots of that!

Europa: And I guess it's time for me to go!

Rose: Thanks for choosing me on your way out!

Europa: It was nice meeting you in person! I'm rooting for you! You can do it! Bye!

Rose: Thanks! And see you at the finals! Bye!

And then it's bedtime!

Good night, Circle!

The next morning...
A body to die for...

Alain, didn't you sleep last night?

Iris: I think it's your turn to make breakfast this morning!

Suzanne: What? You must be joking!

Miriam is washing dishes!

Graham is dreaming of something or someone...

Amir is lecturing himself in the bathroom mirror! What have you done boy?

And Jackson is playing kicking ball. Wonder where he gets that from?

Iris: Oooh, I'm sure it's Europa's goodbye message!

Suzanne: Yeah, let's see what she has to say! 

Graham: Oh no. Poor Europa! Bottom of the rankings and then BOOM. Cut from The Circle. I hope she's okay!

Jackson: Nice! Let's see what is it about!

Alain: I'm sure it's Europa's message!

Miriam: Circle, opens Europa's Video Message! 

Kayzer: Oooh, a message from Europa!

Rose: Luckily she didn't mention anything about me...

Amir: Oof. Another real person bites the dust :c

After the video Graham decides to opens a chat
Graham: This Blue and Red Graham still working on my nerves. I need to talk to people and let them know who the real me is... I'm going to start with Cameron. Circle please opens a chat with Cameron.

Message: Cameron, my boy!
My dear boy, I come to you and your youthful advice. I do not use a lot of social media in my daily life, is this a normal occurrence? It seems this gentleman is trying to use my personal information against me and I am both horrified by my lack of privacy and furious at this... whoever it is! What do I do, my boy?
I am coming to you because I know you understand that he did not answer your question, but I know that you have always called me "Mr. Graham". I pray you to continue to do so.
Sincerely, Mr. Graham. Send message!

Iris: Aww, poor Mr. Graham. He wants to talk to Cameron. 

Suzanne: Yeah, I really feel sad for him. It must be hard to convince everyone that you are the real player and not fake. At least we know who the real Graham is! 

Iris: I hope he is okay? Circle opens the chat with Graham.

Message: I immediately knew he is the fake one after answering my question wrong, Mr. Graham. So don’t worry, if I can see through him so will others. And as I understand it, it’s just a twist of the game. Send message.

Graham: Aww, the boy believes in me! 

Message: Hello Cameron!
Cameron, my boy! I am so glad that all my newfound friends have banded together to show such support for me in this difficult time. Thank you for your support, I appreciate it dearly, my boy. 
Sincerely, Mr. Graham. Send message!

Suzanne: Message: Just hang in there, Mr. Graham. I'm sure this will be over soon! And I'm happy to support you! I do believe that you are the real Graham, Mr. Graham! Send message.

Iris: I really hope he feels better after our chat! He is such a nice charming person!

Kayzer decides it's a good time to chat with the Red Graham
Kayzer: Circle please opens a chat with Red Graham.

Message: Hey Poppycorn! I thought I would pop in and see how you are doing? How have you found the twist with the other Graham so far?? Send message!

Rose: Oooh, Kayzer wants to chat with Red Graham. Let's do it!

Message: Hello Kayzer,
I have found it... confusing, and a little trying, to be honest with you. It unsettles me to have to deal with another one of me, let alone to have to convince everyone of my authenticity. I had been hoping to avoid it by entering as myself and not a catfish...
Yours truly, Graham. Send message!

Amir aka Emma decides to open a chat with Blue Graham
Amir: I'm still not sure who is the real Graham. Let's start a chat with Blue Graham, please Circle!

Message: Wow, this is really messed up, guess the Circle was more glitched out than I thought? So... I'll be honest pops, I always thought there was something fishy 'bout you when we first met but now there are two of you, this is just crazy weird! I'm not sure how we are going to tell which one is which, what if you are just one person? I know, how about you tell me something about yourself the other Graham wouldn't know? Send message!

Graham: Aww, Emma wants to chat with me. Hopefully, she will realize that I'm the real Graham and not the other one who says he is. Circle opens the chat with Emma.

Message: Hello Emma!
Emma, my dear, I am unsure what to make of this debarkle. I was certain my answers were going to be telling, but it seems that the new Graham knew my answers as well. He correctly guessed an answer in a private chat I had with Alain and knew about my three grandchildren! I am not happy and very frightened. I am not a social media user in my daily life, and this is very worrisome for myself, to have my personal information be used against me.

I have not revealed this to a single player thus far. I am not ashamed of this fact, but someone from my generation has been prone to numerous accounts of judgement. I am in a same-sex relationship, and have been proudly for many years. My husband Gregg and myself, went through a painful struggle with avenues of adoption and possible surrogacy, and our beloved Charlotte is our only daughter. Red Graham does not know. Ask him about my "wife" and see what kind of, dare I say, bulls wallop, he comes up with!

Sincerely, a scared and angry Graham. Send message.

Amir: This really changes the way I've been feeling about Graham, maybe he is legit after all? The question is, which one is real?

Message: Wow! That's not what I was expecting at all! :o Not that I was judging you but like, I kinda thought you were a catfish, this is just, way too much info to take in right now. :s I'm so honored you'd trust me enough to tell me something like that pops, I promise I won't tell anyone else, hand on heart. I can understand feeling scared about having your identity stolen, it's a common problem in this day and age, I... I feel really bad... I need to think about some stuff. Send message!

Graham: Message: Greetings Emma,
My dear, it wasn't until before this program that my daughter explained to my partner and I, what a catfish actually was. Silly sausage me thought about seafood! Ha Ha! Now that I've experienced it first hand, it makes me extremely mad that such an heinous act happens to good people in the real world. I understand this is a reality program, but I am very very frightened and upset. This is my real private information too.
As for your response, I very much appreciate it. It is not necessary to hold your heart, as I am very proud about my life and my family. I do not lie about who I am, nor my relationship, nor do I shy away from standing proud in that fact. Gregg is my soul mate, and no amount of judgment from bigots will stop that. So tell away! Tell the world, but just know that you are the first I have mentioned this to.
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!

And Jackson wants to find the real Graham
Jackson: Circle, open a chat with Red Graham.

Message: Hmm, some of the answers you gave seem to add up nicely. So I'm wondering now, are you playing TWO accounts right now? Send message!

Rose: Ugh another one wants to talk to me... Hopefully, I can convince him I'm the real Graham.

Message: Hello Jackson!
I am not, though perhaps that would have been a fun idea? Regardless, no, the other me is not me.
Yours truly, Graham. Send message.

Jackson: Blue Graham seems to be the more genuine one, who feels closer to the way he wrote. Red is more likely the impostor.

Message: Hmm, it's honestly an odd thing going on that's for sure. I wonder what is going on with it all then. And now I had to block Europa and I feel #bummed about it. :( Hope she can forgive me afterward. I wonder if she'll visit me?

Rose: Message: Hello Jackson,
Yes, I can't say I'm not confused by this twist. And yes, it does feel awful having to block someone, doesn't it? I had a hard time blocking Rose - I must confess that in the end, I chose someone nearly at random. I hope there are no hard feelings with her.
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!

Jackson: I figured out they're not the real one, but I should still work with whoever is behind the mask. They can still rate I guess.

Message: Yeah, coming from just blocking Europa I know what ya talking about, had to work with Kayzer on that so I guess we share the responsibility, but the pain is still the full thing.
As for the full twist, if we figure out who's faking it I still hope to meet the person behind it and see them play as themselves. Except for Ned of course XD Dang, that guy was something-something. Send message!

Graham: Circle, open a chat with Miriam, please. I'm sure she believes in me!

Message: Greetings Miriam!
My dear, I am happy to see you are still here. I had no doubts that boys would have kept you, but I was still surprised to not see you in first position! I feel bad for poor Europa, last on the rankings must have made her feel outcasted, and the blockings must've made he feel even worse. I wish I could have time to chat with Europa and make sure she is okay. Did you speak much to Europa yourself?
Sincerely, Graham. Send message.

Miriam: Aww, Blue Graham wants to chat with me! 

Message: Hey Blue Graham, I'm also happy that I'm still here. Honestly, I'd rather be here and not block somebody or having to be the bearer of the bad news. :sweat_smile: I hope you are doing fine, I wanted to respond to your previous messages, but time was running out. I kinda feel like a bad friend in that regard. Poor Europa, I'm kinda sad to see her go. I have to admit though that I'm not entirely shocked. I tried to talk to her a few times, but she wouldn't respond to me. Maybe she wasn't feeling the game entirely as well. I have similar issues with Emma sadly, so for me that could explain why I wasn't higher, but I'm not bummed by that. All that counts is that we are still here. Send message!

Graham: Greetings Miriam!
My dear, I completely understand on all accounts. I, as well, had minimal responses from Europa but I tried my darndest. I also am glad you didn't have to go through the blocking experience, as it is terribly heartbreaking. I am heartbroken for Europa, but I know that she must understand to some degree that she just didn't reach out as much as some of the other Circle members.
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!

And then!

Rose: Hopefully this isn't bad news! Circle, can we have something fun?

Amir: Circle, what do you want from us?

Graham: Story of my life? What is that about?

Miriam: Is this a game?

Graham: Aww, now they will see who the real Graham is. Who knows the real Graham's story better than me!

Rose: Aww, this shouldn't be too difficult. Bring it on!

The first picture:

Iris: This should be interesting!

Suzanne: Yep! Let's see who's story sounds the most real!

Rose: This photo is of a work trip to Shang Simla three years ago. It's not particularly interesting, apart from the fact that I had to rush back a day early to greet my third grandchild.

Graham: Ah! This was only a year and a half ago! Yet it feels like an eternity. This was a quick snap taken of me during our trip abroad in China. We were in a local market, not some big tourist attraction, but my partner has the most rambunctious trigger finger on that darned camera! What a silly sausage. I cannot wait to return.

Alain: Wow! They both sound genuine! I can't say who's the real Graham.

Kayzer: Hopefully, the next picture will tell us more.

Another picture:

Jackson: Wow! This is an old photo! Graham must be in his early 30's here.

Rose: This photo is of me as a much younger man when I first started my job at the popcorn distribution company. Yes, that's your Poppycorn before he was your Poppycorn!

Graham: Oh, dear, The Circle. What a crafty bunch you are to have gotten this photo of me! This was back in the late 1980's. I was a much, much younger man then! I must have been in my early-thirties around that time. A friend of mine refused to get an upgraded camera. "Polaroid is the only thing, you can trust" he used to say. Truth is, he just didn't have the money to upgrade.

Miriam: Blue Graham is the real Graham! That's for sure! His answers make more sense!

Amir: Aww, I'm confused all over again!

Last picture:

Suzanne: Aww that must be Graham's friend he talked about!

Rose: This photo is of my parents' last anniversary dinner. Later that year, my own Pop... but let's not talk about it.

Graham: Oh, what a lovely evening this was. This was at a dinner with our good friends, Estelle and Ramesh, at this suave Japanese restaurant. Across from me is my husband, Gregg, who had just spilled soy sauce on his lap! This was right before our picture was accidentally taken by the hostess while none of us were ready and I couldn't help but giggle in the middle of it all! All involved ruined the picture but the photo to me is absolutely HILARIOUS in big capital letters!! What a sorry collection of silly sausages we were, but it is one of my most treasured memories of my partner and I, and our close friends.

Alain: I'm sure Blue Graham sounds more genuine.

Kayzer: If it isn't Blue Graham then I don't know who is the real Graham!

Jackson: Blue Graham, for sure!

Rose: I guess it's now or never! 

Michelle: Greetings, Circle Players! How are you?

Miriam: Michelle! It's her in person! That's awesome!

Michelle: Now as you all aware there's rather unusual activity in the Circle

Graham: Yeah, someone stole my identity!!!

Michelle: One player has been clone by another player

Amir: Tell us something that we don't know!

Michelle: Now these two players are supposed to try and convince you all that they are the original Graham. Naughty, naughty!

Iris: Haha, that's funny! That player did that on purpose!

Michelle: Well it is now time that the game of clones comes to an end.

Alain: That's a relief! I'm tired of this clone business!

Michelle: Only one clone can remain in the Circle. The other one will be blocked!

Kayzer: Can we do it now?

Michelle: Now which clone goes home is down to you.

Jackson: Red Graham is the fake one, so bye-bye Red Graham!

Michelle: Who do you think is real?

Miriam: Blue Graham!!!

Michelle: Who do you think is fake?

Amir: Must be Red Graham!

Michelle: Who do you think is your biggest competition?

Suzanne: Both! Haha!

Michelle: Red Graham and Blue Graham, you now have the opportunity to plead for your survival! 

Graham: Ladies and Gentlemen of The Circle, I believe I have proven myself in my honest words to be nothing but myself, Graham Wolford. The same man who has adored bonding with all of you! I hope that you all see Red Graham’s inconsistencies with my own private conversations and this has proved him to be a pretender. I am truly thankful for your fabulous support!
Sincerely, Graham.

Hello Circle!
Honestly, I find this a tad ridiculous, since the Poppycorn doth protest too much, methinks. However, I have found this twist enjoyable, and whichever me you all decide to block, I just want the other me to know that there are no hard feelings. I also want to thank you all for making me the first Influencer and to kindly request that you never put me in that position again.
Sincerely, Graham.

Alain: I still believe in Blue Graham!

Kayzer: I think Blue Graham can stay!

Jackson: Red Graham is fake, he should go!

Michelle: The two Grahams have made their pleads and it's down to the rest of you to decide which Graham to block

Michelle: The Graham with the most votes will leave the Circle immediately.

Michelle: Okay, this is it!

Michelle: I must now ask each one of you who do you choose to block?

Michelle: Alain, who do you want to block?

Alain: Hello Michelle. I analyzed all results and come to the following conclusion: Blue Graham is the real Graham. Therefore, Red Graham should be blocked.
I hope Red Graham is not one of my friends...

Michelle: Cameron, who do you want to block?

Iris: With our very first question to the two Grahams we knew that Blue Graham is the real Graham.

Suzanne: So, we choose to block, Red Graham!

Michelle: Emma, who do you want to block?

Amir: I vote to block Red Graham please, he's obviously the imposter of the imposter. 

Michelle: Jackson, who do you want to block?

Jackson: I vote to block Red Graham. Blue seems to be the real deal by the way he chats and Cameron brought some good points as well.

Michelle: Kayzer, who do you want to block?

Kayzer: This has been such a rollercoaster trying to find out who the real Graham is. I am however going to vote out Red Graham as I think Blue Graham is the real Graham! 

Michelle: And Miriam, who do you want to block?

Miriam: Hhhm... this is tricky... I'm doing this solely based on my intuition, and since I think the real Graham would not talk differently to prove he is real, I'm voting to block Red Graham! If you are the real Graham though... please forgive me.

Miriam: So, the player that has been blocked from the Circle is Red Graham

Rose: Ugh! Not again!!! I going to turn you all in toads!

Graham: What a relief that everyone believes in me!

Miriam: Yes!

Alain: Hopefully, he is the clone!

Amir: Aww, now we will see who the imposter is...

Iris: Yes! I'm glad everyone could see Red Graham is not real!

Kayzer: Oooh, hope he come and see me! I would like to see who is behind the mask!

Jackson: I won't mind if he comes to visit me!

To be continue


  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...