Thursday, September 23, 2021

Episode 5


Rose: So I was blocked! Again! I really going to turn you all in toads at the finale!

Rose: Who shall I visit? I really don't want to see any of them... I'm too furious!

Rose: Oh well let's go...

Rose: Hello...

Graham: ...

Rose: Hi, Graham, it's me, Rose...

Graham: “Rose!? My dear?! My goodness, what a surprise! This was one of the last things I expected as a result of this situation. How are you? Please sit. I must know everything! Would you care for a cup of tea?

Rose: "I would love one, thank you. So nice to finally meet in person! How have you been holding up with this twist?

Graham: Your tea will be ready momentarily! As for the twist, it has been breaking my heart. There has been so much concern and stress, and my daughter had informed me about situations like this. Having my personal information stolen, and used against me was horrifying, however, it mostly just makes me heartbroken for those that get catfished in the real world. I am going to be extra careful on the computer web from now on! That does raise a good question, however! How did you know my personal details?

Rose: Ah, thank you. Yes, I can't say I find this whole catfish business to be the most fun of twists... and to have to play that role myself was awful. You'll be happy to know I at least didn't know your personal information. The grandchildren question was the luckiest of lucky guesses - I suppose I was unconsciously thinking of my siblings since I have two of them myself - and I remember about dropping sodium in water from chemistry class. A little too well, actually - I froze half the lab that day!

Graham: A-ho. I couldn’t understand how you pulled that rabbit out of your hat but knowing it was a fun coincidence, I take my hat off to you! I imagine being forced to put on a fake persona was not easy on you, so I’m glad this whole debacle is over for the both of us. You seem so wonderful in person, and I am sad we did not get this time together when I was forced to pick a player at random to block. It is fabulous to finally meet you, and I am so interested to know more. Perhaps we shall go out for a meal once the program is over!

Rose: Thank you! Nope, it definitely wasn't easy or particularly fun - especially since that's not what I signed up for - so I'm glad the real Poppycorn is regaining his place! And same to you - I'm so glad who I met is the same Poppycorn as on the... (trails off as she notices that the hand holding the mug is currently on fire) Well, would you look at that. I don't think I ever told you about the details of my magic, did I? You see, I've always associated fire with comfort and happiness, what with my mum and all. So yeah, magic hand says I consider you a friend! Perhaps we should indeed...

Graham: M-magic? My dear, are you alright? Do you need ice? Consider me an old fool, but did you mean like parlor tricks and showmanship, magic? I'm afraid this may be beyond my intelligence, my dear Rose. I am, however, glad you consider me a friend!

Rose: Oh, don't worry, I'm fine - it's keeping my tea warm, actually. And don't worry, everyone else got a lil nervous when I revealed I'm an actual mage! Don't get me wrong, parlor tricks and showmanship are fun, but they're just a bit of flair on top. Most of us are honestly pretty boring...

Graham: That is fascinating. I would love for you to show me some of what you can do. Be careful though, or you might just give this old man a heart attack!

Rose, we have had our ups and downs, but I think that The Circle would like to break up our meeting today. It has been absolutely fabulous to have met you and have you here in my apartment! Thank you for coming by, and I wish you all the best.

Rose: It's been wonderful meeting you! And thank you for the cuppa. I wish you all the best too... we should definitely meet up again after this!

Graham: Bye...

Iris: What are you thinking about?

Suzanne: I wonder who Red Graham is... Did we block the imposter?

Iris: I'm sure we did... But if not I will be sad if we blocked the wrong Graham.

Miriam: Aww, I need to put this book down and get into bed. It's getting pretty late!

Amir: Unconditional, unconditionally

I will love you unconditionally...

Kaizer: I wonder...

Jackson: Ugh, I should've put this away before getting my food out of the fridge.

Alain: One, two, three, four...

And then it's bedtime for everyone... Good night Circle!

The next morning...


Miriam: Yes! I knew Blue Graham was the real Graham! 

Amir: Aww... I knew it was Rose after all... 

Iris: Wow! The imposter was Rose!

Suzanne: Aww, The Circle gave her a second chance... But I think she chose the wrong person. I would've chosen Alain or maybe Miriam. They are easier to mimic!

Graham: Thanks guys for believing in me!

Alain: Bye Rose...  I feel sorry for you but I'm glad we saved the real Graham!

Jackson: Wow! The imposter was Rose... I didn't expect that! But at least I was right about who the right Graham is.

Kaizer: Nice, Circle! I love that you gave the first out another chance! Just a pity she couldn't make it further in the game!

Miriam: Hope it's something nice, Circle?

Amir: Hope it's a party! I can do it with some entertainment now!

Iris: Hopefully it's a quiz...

Suzanne: Yeah, anything will be nice!

Graham: I guess a party will be fun after all this drama with Red Graham!

Alain: Yay! A party!!! I love parties... Not! Where can I hide?

Jackson: Yes! Party! 

Kaizer: Cool! A party! Are we getting party clothes and snacks, Circle?

Iris: Aww, I love the dress but not this hat. Ugh, couldn't they get something more lady like?

Suzanne: It's a cowboy theme! I love everything! Let the party begins!
Graham: Look at me! Wish my partner was here to see me!

Miriam: Woot! I'm gonna love this party! 

Amir: Party!!!

Kaizer: Where's the music, Circle? A party can't be without music!
Jackson: Nice... I love it!

Alain: I feel rediculous!

Kaizer: I love this! Who should I chose?

Amir: Emma loves everybody here... She can't just choose one!

Suzanne: I think Cameron will like... 

Graham: I can't do all of this. 

Alain: Aww... Who shall I choose?

Jackson: This should be fun!

Miriam: I really can't decide who I want for this...

And another fun stuff to do...

Graham: I have lots of pictures to choose from... Which one will the other players like?

Suzanne: I think we must choose the one where you and Cameron have a drink.

Iris: Won't that be dangerous? Maybe they will think Cameron is me...

Suzanne: Nah... Let us give them something to think about!

Jackson: This will be fun!

Kaizer: Aww... Let's check out the pictures that's available!

Alain: I love this picture! Hope Cameron will too...

Amir: Circle, put the picture up of Emma and the dolphin. She looks if she's in a party mood!

Miriam: I like this group picture...

Iris: Haha, this should be fun! 

Suzanne: Yeah, some of them are really funny...

Graham: Let's hashtag them. luckilly my daughter told me about that!

Miriam: Haha, the hashtags are funny...

Amir: Can't wait to read Emma's hashtags. She's really hot!

Kaizer: Haha, someone thinks Emma is a catfish!

Jackson: Miriam looks good in that picture and all the hashtags are o kay.

Alain: People are thinking Cameron and Miriam are catfishes...? That's weird! They feel genuine for me.

Iris: I really like to know Graham better after the show...

Suzanne: Yeah, I think it will be nice to be friends with him.

And then a little bit of eating and dancing before the next mission...

Iris: Sounds scetchy... Hehe...

Graham: What must we do?

Miriam: Looks like an Alien and  an Elephant?

Amir: I don't know...

Kaizer: What is that suppose to be?

Jackson: Looks like a grade 1 drawing?  Haha.

Alain: Not sure what that is, but I will try.

Suzanne: I think we got 1 right...

Graham: Am I right?

Miriam: Really? I mean, yay!!!

Amir: Choose Emma!!!

Miriam: I will choose my good friend, Graham!

Graham: Thank you my dear...

Kaizer: A car on a road and 2 kids playing?

Alain: I think it is...

Graham: Do I need to guess again?

Iris: I think it must be something on the road again...

Suzanne: And Love story?

Kaizer: Me! Hehe...

Miriam: Luckily I got the first one right!

Alain: Wow! I just guessed the titles! Awesome! 

Amir: Now you have to choose Emma! E M M A!!!

Alain: I will choose Cameron!

Suzanne: Aww... Alain chose us! Woot!

Iris: He has chosen Cameron!

Suzanne: Aww you're right! He doesn't know we are 2 old ladies... But I guess he is a sweet little boy...

Amir: I really need to get this one right! I can see nobody will choose Emma! Why? She's so cute and hot and...

Graham: Why can't I guess anymore? I know all the titles! That one is Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings!

Kaizer: Me?

Amir: Nooooo....

Jackson: Yes!

Amir: If you don't choose Emma I won't talk to you ever again and block you on the next ratings!

Jackson: I will choose my good friend Kayzer!

Kaizer: Yes! Thank you! Let's party!

Sorry the delivery guy is late with the cake...

KFC is on time! Enjoy!

And the pizza is also here! Have fun guys and girls!

But someone didn't get a prize and have to entertain himself... Ugh! Poor Amir!

Oh well, let's have a nap...

???: Emma... Amir...

Amir: Huh...

Amir: What?!

Michell: Greetings, Emma!

Amir: Michelle?

I come with important news

As a result of the last challenge, you will now face a punishment

This punishment will see you fight for your place in The Circle

You will be sent on a secret mission to become the Assassin 😈

Your mission is to pick a target and to get them blocked at the next rating

If you succeed and get them blocked, you could stay

However, if you fail, then you will get blocked!

Emma, you must now pick who your target will be...

To be continued...

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  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...