Thursday, September 30, 2021



Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer.

Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise!

Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how you are seeing an old lady now. It was such a terrible decision I had to make, knowing that I was a catfish had to block one of the 5 people I bonded with within this game. I know it may sound a bit unbelievable at the moment, but there is absolutely nothing malicious here, I just from my heartfelt like, despite our friendship, I felt a slightly bigger connection to the others, and I feel gutted for that, I really do.

Kayzer: It's fine I understand the game, you have to do what you need to do to survive, I will say I am disappointed though. Why did you come in as a catfish if you don't mind me asking?

Miriam: I completely understand. And I don't mind you asking one bit. So basically the reason I entered younger than I am is that... because in my family, dementia is widespread, especially with women, and I am absolutely terrified of that, even if it is not guaranteed that I will get it. And for me personally, the age 26 was the year I felt my luckiest and happiest, not because my life changed, but because it was this year where I truly felt content with myself, that I know exactly what I want in life, and that I still am happy with my current state, having my partner and my daughter with me, going the way with me. So I wanted to use this opportunity to sort of reliving these memories as I want to hold on to these as long as I can, and if there is a day I might forget, my family knows that these moments are kind of immortalized in this show and that this might tell the story when I can't.

Kayzer: That is a really intriguing story you told me Miriam and it is quite beautiful. I think you have definitely done the best run you could and I'm sure your family will love watching this back in the future!

Miriam: I really hope so too. I will say that the only things I really tempered with about me are my age, I'm really 58, my occupation, I am a doctor at our children's hospital like I dreamed, and my partner is actually my husband of 30 years. And the girl in the photo is actually my daughter Ines. Anything else about me, like my optimism and my fangirling for Little Mix, has been truly me. And again, I'm so sorry that you have to go, you are really a bright young man and I know that you will make your mark in this world, and I hope you can forgive an old lady.

Kayzer: I do forgive you, Miriam! It's great to have been able to get to know you while you're here and I'm glad the only thing different about you is your age and your picture. Good luck with the finale anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to make the top spot.

Miriam: Thank you, I think it is a strong final with Graham and Jackson in it, but thanks for saying that. It was such a pleasure to get to know you Kayzer, and I can't wait to see you again on the other side. Okay, bye...

Kayzer: Bye...

The final morning...

Miriam: Woot! The final morning! 

Graham: I wonder who was Blocked last night?

Amir: Final 5! I made it! 

Jackson: Yes! I made it to the finals!

Heejin: I never thought I will make it after coming into the Circle last! Awesome!

Miriam: I don't know how am I going to eat all this food! But it looks delicious!

Graham: Circle when are we going to know who was blocked last night?

Amir: This is a meal for a king! Yummy!

Jackson: Now I'm curious to know who was the Super Influencer and who did they block?

Heejin: I'm feeling sorry for the person who was blocked last night... 

Heejin: Oh no... It's Kayzer!

Jackson: Aww! Not Kayzer!

Amir: At least it wasn't Emma! Woot!

Graham: I'm sad Kayzer is gone but I would've felt the same way whoever was blocked!

Final 5

Miriam: Okay... Let's do it! I'm ready!

Graham: I know who I will put second!

Jackson: Circle put...

Heejin: I want...

Amir: Circle sends in my ratings!

Miriam: Are we going to play a game to kill time, Circle?

Amir: Are we getting the results already?

Graham: Oh my god! A video message from home... I'm going to cry!

Jackson: Aww, I wonder who will send me a message?
Heejin: Aww, I can't wait to see the message! Circle opens the Video Message from home!

Miriam: Aww, that was my husband Charles and daughter Ines! It's so good to see them!

Graham: That was my partner Greg! I'm so glad to see and hear from him!

Jackson: Awww, that was my good friend, Geordan. We always have good times together!

Amir: Hehe, that's my girlfriend, Emma. I'm glad she isn't mad at me!

Heejin: Aww, that's my mom! It's nice to see her again! Mom, I miss you too!

Amir: Aww that will be nice...

Miriam: Will it be like the previous seasons? Face to face?

Jackson: Ouch... Now they will see me in person!

Graham: I'm excited! I wonder how many catfishes are there. So far the Circle only revealed 1. There must be more!

Heejin: Awesome! Can't wait to meet everyone!

And then it's time to meet the others!
Graham: Oh, how splendid! This setup is absolutely wonderful! The Circle, you have done fabulously!

Graham: Now, I wonder if anyone would be offended if I popped the champagne early?

Graham: I supposed I shall not ruin the festivities. Though, I wonder if a shocking reveal will put us at unease... I truly wonder if anyone will be taken aback to see my glowing grey hairs in the flesh! Haha!

Oh, deary me. I am getting nervous, The Circle! I wish my husband was here...

Graham: Oh my! An alert?!

Miriam: Oh, goodness! I hope I look okay! My dear, Miriam! I cannot wait to meet you in person!

Graham: Hello...? My dear, are you...?

Miriam: *looks in the mirror* ACK! I know this game went fast, but Wilson, you could have told me that I aged 32 years!

Miriam: POPPYCORN! I know that I have a lot of explaining to do, but I am so relieved you are the real deal!

Graham: Miriam, my dear? I am afraid that I do not understand.

Miriam: I don't blame you, you probably expected me to look different. I will explain further when everybody is here, but I can tell you that I'm still the Miriam you have been talking to the whole time, only that I'm much closer to your age in reality.

Graham: Is the lady that was in your pictures, a younger self? My dear, no wonder we got on like a house on fire! Same with dear "Cameron". Subtly you both were of a more mature age!
Miriam, I must admit, I rated you first in every single ranking game, because I genuinely believed every word you said, and I am taken aback by how foolish I must be to not have clued in at all! I believed everybody except you was somewhat faux.

Miriam: Honestly that is what I thought too. The girl you see in the picture... that is actually Ines. It really fitted that she almost looks like a twin to me, so it didn't feel too different.

Graham: My jaw! My jaw has dropped to the floor! My dear, you and Ines are absolutely gorgeous, and I am shocked that this dear little baby that I was dying to see, is actually so grown up! Haha! This old man needs to step away from technology and visit Barbados, me thinks!

Miriam: I know this may sound a bit whack now that you see my real me, but I can assure you that all of the things I told you were genuine. The only things I changed about myself are my age, my occupation, and my marital status. Everything else about my personality has been 100% me. And you have to believe me that I felt terrible, especially towards you because you really believed in my whole package, and I was tempted to just tell you at times because I felt like I'm failing you, but production wouldn't let me.

Graham: !!!... Oh dear, I believe I have forgotten how you told me to say "Hello" in Korean!

Graham: Heejin! My dear! It is so good to finally meet you in person. I am, of course, your special K-Poppy!


Miriam: Heejin! So nice to finally meet you in person! You look absolutely stunning in that dress.

Heejin: Wait who are you?!?! 

Miriam: And yes, I know it looks like Grandma and Grandpa are waiting for the daughter, but I can assure you that I'm the same Miriam, just twice the age, which I believe is twice the fun.

Heejin: OH MY GRACIOUS MIRIAM!!!! You're soooooo beautiful!!! Bet you are even twice as good as a person as you seem to be during the game. I'm just soooooo excited and hyped!!! I. can't. stop.

Graham: My dear, you are so full of energy and I absolutely adore you. I am so glad that you are true, and now you can SING for us! My dear, I have been waiting to hear your voice since you joined The Circle program!

Miriam: Can I just tell you, that out of everybody, I'm so glad that you two are the real deal because you two have personalities that just can't be faked. And about me, yes I'm a catfish, but the only things I changed about myself are that I'm 58 and I already reached most of my goals in life.
OH YES! I was hoping to hear your singing voice ever since you mentioned your love for singing!

Heejin: I'm happy to see you both here. You both are literally A M A Z I N G!!
Ok Poppoy pop pop, let's go start singiiiiiing. Let's start easy and start with the Macarena!! Also, a GREAT way to get your body warmed up!

Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa` darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena

Miriam: Ooh, the Macarena, I remember that dance very fondly of my university years! Let's see if my slightly older bones can keep up.

*Graham pretends to sing and dance*
Ayyyyyy... MACARONA!

Graham: My dear, the goals never stop. Do not pretend that you have reached MOST of them, because you, my dear, are going to do amazing things with your amazing self far into your maturity! Including this program!
Though I must admit, I do feel a little... Uneasy over your... You know. However, in time I will come to understand. I genuinely believed you both were nothing but honest. Though, it's a unique form of dishonesty, in that I do not hold it against you.

Miriam: I really do not blame you at all for being a bit uneasy. But if it cheers you up, the version of me you've seen and how I interacted is the Miriam I was when I was actually 26. You will get the full reason a bit later, but my goal in this game was to relive that part of my life again.

Heejin: Miriam, why did you decide to go with a younger version of yourself? You are amazing as I already said like two hundred times! I would have loved you just like this!!

Miriam: Oh Jackson is on his way! Wilson, you will be reunited with your foster father!
Yes, we will explain that later as well. xD


Miriam: Jackson! The foster father of our Wilson! Wilson say hi!

*Wilson rolls around*

Jackson: Heya Circleeeeeeeeeeeee! How's ya doing buds!

Miriam: Waaiit... Miriam, is that you?

Miriam: Well, I just found out that the game aged me 32 years, which Wilson failed to explain to me before I entered this room, but else I feel great. It is so nice to get to know everybody for real now.

Jackson: Bwahahahaha, honestly this game is messing with our heads all the time.
And honestly, you're the person I least expected to be a catfish.

Graham: Jackson, my boy! How are you?!

Jackson: Kinda thrilled XD Time for all to be revealed XD

Graham: It is a harrowing but exciting time for us all! Jackson, were you true with how you spoke with all of us? Was there any part of your profile that you did not share or change?

Jackson: Yeah, showing my true face and true personality to y'all. Just changed up my body a bit.
Though bumming that Kayzer can't be here with us.

Heejin: Your body is AMAZING!!! The best gifts come in the smallest packages. 

Miriam: That will be the final finalist! Great!

Miriam: Wait what?

Amir: Hey, hey! What's up, peeps! XD  I'm Amir aka Emma!

Graham: EMMA?! My dear, I am shocked!

Heejin: EMMAAAAAAAA-AAAMIR!!! Welcome you wild thangg!!

Jackson: Heya Amir! Welcome to the party!

Jackson: Well, more catfish than not among us XD Again.

Miriam: Okay, I know I'm am a catfish, but I'm flabbergasted. xD I didn't expect you to be a guy!

Amir: Come on now, surely you guys guessed I was a catfish by now?

Graham: My boy, who are you? What is your story?... Who is Emma?

Heejin: Who is Emma?! WHO IS AMIR?! Tell me I want to know everything about you, Amir!!!

Amir: Well, Emma is my GF, I kinda "borrowed" her identity. XD
I'm a bit of a prankster, I have a YT channel that is mostly prank compilations, soooo... what did you think?

Miriam: I'm honestly amazed, you really made me believe that you are Emma. Especially after Graham told me that you told him you tried to flirt with me and I was completely oblivious. *laughs* Though I bet you weren't expecting to flirt with a senior citizen. xD

Graham: I believed you were a man, I must admit it. I believe it was the confusion between being named Emma and having a girlfriend also named Emma that made me clue in... However, I genuinely felt for you and couldn't look past it. I was worried everyone dejected you from your experience in the ratings, so I pushed any thoughts of foul play aside and tried to reach out to you.

Jackson: Hahahah, nothing wrong with a good ol' prank XD Despite catfishing myself I had NO CLUE you were one! Ya did well! Or I'm just gullible XD

Heejin: You're such a prankster!! I'm loving it!!! I respect your way of playing. I mean, I could never ever do such a thing. I'll be revealing myself right after introduction HIHIHIHI

Amir: Thanks! I felt really bad at first like the pranks started slow but when I became the assassin I thought, I'm gonna go big or I'm going home. I was so bummed that Alain went, he was such a nice guy but you know, being the newbie I had no choice, he was coming for my place in the Circle!

Jackson: To be honest tho, I was expecting Graham to actually be Gregg after seeing that poster XD

Graham: Oh, my boy, I wish I had the confidence of Greggory! Just wait until you meet him, he is a real rascal and a hoot, but oh so charming! 

Amir: Honest, I thought you were Gregg! XD That's what I've been expecting, I just couldn't believe you were the real deal, too perfect.

Graham: You both have me in hysterics! It would be quite humorous of him to pretend to be by myself, however, I do not believe an old man is a key to a solid "Catfish" identity! If I were to be a Catfish today, I would no doubt play someone hip and fun! Perhaps, a rock star or a theatre celebrity? Perhaps I would play as Heejin! Haha!

Heejin: Ohhh ohhh ohhhh maybe you can go as Red Graham?!

Jackson: Ya did an honest and brilliant great job getting to the finals being your wholesome Poppycorny self though, bud! 

Miriam: Was I really the only one who never doubted Graham? I felt from the start he was the real deal.

Amir: Yeah, Poppy is a great guy, just can't believe he wasn't a catfish though, Miriam had me fooled, I would never have guessed...

Graham: I have no idea how to take "not being a catfish", I mustn't lie to you. I hope that is a good thing!

Jackson: Only one not fooling me is Heejin

Heejin: Ohhh!!! Does that mean I did well?! Or am I a little too obvious?

Amir: Best Catfish ever! One that doesn't know they are a catfish.

Miriam: Okay, now that all of you are here. Amir already explained himself, so I think now it is my turn to explain as I'm probably the second most 'severe' catfish here.

Jackson: Ooh, feel free to share your story.

Miriam: So... I already told Graham and Heejin that the only things I changed about myself are my age, my occupation, and my marital status. I'm actually 58, I am a doctor at the children's hospital of Sunlit Tides and my partner Charlie is actually my husband of 30 years now, Charles. And the girl in the photo is my daughter Ines. The reason I played as my 26-year-old self is... I did for cathartic reasons. See, in my family, dementia is widespread, especially with women. I still remember how my mother suffered from it. And honestly, even though I'm a doctor myself, I'm terrified of what will happen in the future, even if there is a chance I might not have the symptoms. So I decided to enter this game as my 26-year-old self. In that year, I finally realized for myself that I'm truly at peace with myself. I had all my goals in check, I knew what I wanted, but still felt happy with my current state, and I had my fianceé Charles and my daughter Ines, who I knew would be on my side for the rest of my life. So I wanted to use this opportunity to relive that year for myself because I want to hold it close to me for as long as I can. And if there is indeed a time I might forget it, my family and I will know that my story from that time is sort of immortalized on this show and that in the future this might tell my story when I'm not able to anymore.

Jackson: Aww Miriam... That's such a heartwarming story!
Sending ya my hopes dementia will stop with your generation onwards, you're an awesome person to be in the Circle with! Sending you all the love!

Graham: My dear, you are an inspiration and a worthy person to have made it far into this journey! Bravo! That reason is making this old man, well up! Does anyone have a tissue or a handkerchief?
You have made Ines proud in this journey, and I have said that from the start.

Amir: I like, wasn't expecting to tear up, that's such a touching story Mi, mad props to you! <3 I hope you enjoyed your time in the Circle.

Heejin: You're such an amazing person Miriam, thank you so so much for sharing!

Miriam: Awww don't cry, you are making me tear up. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better experience, you were all so warm and open for me, and even more now. And I hope that despite me not being that much of a young lass now, that the friendships we made here will last much beyond this show.

Amir: So, I gotta ask, did anyone believe Alain was a Robot?

Michelle: Welcome back to the finale of Season 3! Let's go talk to all the people that have been blocked by their other co-players!

Michelle: How does it feel to be the first person to be blocked in the Circle, Rose?

Rose: It never feels good to be the first boot in a show! At least I had a second chance when I became Red Graham, but that I also messed up! Ugh! But I will get my revenge... Hehe!

Michelle: Europa, you were second out. What went wrong, Girl?

Europa: I guess the pace was just too fast for me! I never had a chance to chat with anybody because my creator was sleeping all the time! I think we can call him Sleepy Joe!

Michelle: Hehe... Alain, you were the victim of the Assassin! Did you expect something is wrong when you got blocked? 

Alain: No, I did hear rumors and people asking me if I'm a Robot. But I never suspect that I could be blocked because of that!

Michelle: Iris and Suzanne, you came in as Cameron, Iris's grandson. Did you had fun playing him and was it difficult to portrait him? Looking back there weren't really people suspecting that Cameron could be catfish.

Susanne: Aww, it was really fun playing him and we made lots of friends. 

Iris: I guess it's only Emma that suspected that Cameron could be his granny... Hehe. But we had really fun in this game!

Michelle: Kayzer, you were the last person that got blocked! How did you feel and why do you think you got blocked?

Kayzer: That was really crappy! I was so near to be a finalist! I guess Miriam, who was the Super Influencer, felt threatened by me. I can't blame her. I think I would feel the same...

Michelle: Okay, let's welcome back the finalists! 

Michelle: Put your hands together for Graham!

Michelle: Graham how do you feel to be a finalist?

Graham: I'm excited!

Michelle: Let's greet the second finalist, Miriam!

Michelle: I guess people were surprised to see an older woman?

Miriam: Hehe, they were!

Michelle: Let's give a hand to the third finalist, Heejin!

Michelle: Heejin how does it feels to be the last in the game but also a finalist?

Heejin: I still think I'm dreaming! How can it be?

Michelle: Let's wait for the fourth finalist, Jackson!

Michelle: Jackson did you ever mention your condition to anyone?

Jackson: No, I didn't!

Michelle: Let's put hands together for the last finalist, Amir aka Emma!

Michelle: Amir I believe you fooled most of the players?

Amir: Hehe, I did!

Michelle: Okay let's get the ball rolling! Are you excited to see who the winner of Season 3 is?

Everyone: Yesssss!!!!!

Michelle: Okay, let's take all the furniture away!

Michelle: Finalists, the results of your votes were never so close as in this season! We actually got a tie in the last place!

Amir: What? What happened with 5th and 4th place?

Michelle: I told you that the votes were really close this season! So are you ready?

Everyone: Yes!







































Miriam: Oh noooo!

Graham: Ouch!

Jackson: Sorry...

Michelle: And... we also got a tie in the second place... And because of that, we can now reveal the WINNER of season 3...

Michelle: Amir are you ready?

Amir: I am!

Michelle: Jackson are you ready?

Jackson: I am!

Michelle: Heejin are you ready?

Heejin: I am!

Michelle: So in the first place...















































































Michelle: Heejin you have won! Congratulations!

Heejin: OMG! What?

Jackson: Congratulations, Heejin!

Amir: Yeah, you deserve it! Congratz!

Heejin: Yes! I won!

Everyone: Congratz, Heejin!!!!

Michelle: And now for the revealing of your creators! Are you ready?

Everyone: Yes!

Michelle: I just want to thank you everyone for participating in the Show! I don't know about you but I had lots of fun! Woot!

Everyone: We did have fun! Woot!!!

Michelle: Before we start with the intro's let's reveal the Fan Favorite!

Michelle: In the 3rd place...













Graham: Yay! I'm in the final 3...!

Michelle: In the second place we got...














Jackson: Awesome!

Michelle: And the Fan Favorite Winner is...























Miriam: OMG! Thank you, guys!!!

Michelle: Okay, so let's continue with the introductions... Rose you up first!

Rose: *picking up her phone and dial a number* "Kassi! Hi, honey!"

Kassi: "Hey, babe." (smooch) "You want to tell our liiiiiive studio audience-ah! what's going on?"

Rose: "Haha, I love you. So, anyway, yes! Hi! Hello! Meet my boyfriend, Kassi. Sometime between the last season and this one, Lilli got two of her OCs together, because she's a total sucker for a good romance. So yeah, I'm Lilli's!"

Kayzer: Hey guys, you know my creator very well, he is the writer/host of the most popular show on the forums, ABNORMALITY! Yeah, the one and only, Smarties! 

Iris: Kisha and Suzann and I, got the same creator, but at least we did last longer in the game. Woot!

Suzanne: Yeah, you are all right, it's also the host of this show, Alleen! Don't blame her! She saw how much fun you guys are having in the show so she couldn't resist! 😁 But she did make sure that we can't win. It wouldn't be fair to you guys. Just like us, all she wants was to have fun! And she did have fun! 

Europa: My creator was also a host of several shows on the forums. His name is Jake!

Jackson: Jackson: "Hey dudes, time to smash in the fourth wall - my creator/Watcher, and I bet someone figured it out early with the #IFeelLikeALemonLime, is the Foxy M13Vulpecula! . . . Who else would it be, no-one else in this community messes around with height sliders for Sims? 😂😂 Telling y'all on his behalf that he's had a fun time writing and playing my character as the days in the Circle passed by, even though it's been like 6 months ago since the game's played out. 💛💛 Love y'all and sending y'all the love! 💛😸"

Graham: Hello The Circle contestants and audience at home! My name is Graham Wolford, and it has been a marvelous experience for me during this program! Without all of you participating in the show and becoming my newfound family, it just wouldn't be the same! However, my special thank you goes to one particular The Circle player! That person is wonderful... 


HayloHusky! Thank you, my dear. It has been a wonderful ride with you at the helm! I couldn't have done this experience without you. Sincerely, Poppycorn.

Amir: Hi guys, Amir here... Or is it Emma? Oh well, whatever, I just want to let you all know that it was the Ducky that was my creator and he is just as fabulous as I am. Feathers are totally in this year, watch this space! 

Miriam: Miriam: "Hey everybody. First of I'm so happy I actually made it to the finale, this is so crazy for me considering I expected that people would figure my age out and throw me out the first chance they got. I hope I was able to inspire some of you out there, I can only encourage you that no matter what you may have ahead of you, always keep living your life. It has been such a long time I felt like a young girl again like I did in this house even though I am close to my sixties, and all that was made possible by YJB19299 aka Yannik. Yes, you could say that this is why I had a similar affection to Wilson the Volleyball like Boris had, hehe."

Heejin: Heejin: I don't even know where to start!! I was created in a hyperactive ADHD happiness moodlet! That explains like E V E R Y T H I N G right?! While I was being created, my creator was doing shoulder wiggles, belly dances, and air-pumping movements. On top of that, PieceOfPrincess was singing karaoke while her cats were definitely not "oke" with that!

Alain: Err... I'm Aiden. Not AI-den. I really am a people person, not "people" people person, but definitely not a robot! My creator is PieceOfPrincess. She did the best she could to act smart, but I guess she wasn't smart enough to let me stay.

And then everyone is throwing confetti! Woot!

Rose: Michelle are we done now?

Michelle: Yes, why?

Rose: Just something I have to do...






And with all that going on we will end the show just here!

Thank you guys and girls for participating
in the Show!

Love you lots!



  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...