Monday, May 17, 2021

Episode 3


Miriam decides to opens a chat with Red Graham
Miriam: Aww, let me see if I can decide who is the genuine Graham. Circle opens a chat with Red Graham.

Message: Hey Red Graham, I think I haven't talked to your side in this scenario yet. So you say you are the real Graham, like the REAL REAL Graham, so why should I believe you instead of the Blue Graham? Send message.

Rose: Hehe, people are starting to try and find out who's the original Graham. Let me see if I can fool them! It's a pity my magic doesn't work from here. I could've put them all under my spell! Blue Graham would've gone home in no time! Circle opens the chat with Mirriam. 

Message: Hello Miriam,
I believe we haven't talked one-on-one beyond the initial questioning, no. Hmm, what can I say? I've never had to convince someone of my own existence before, as I'm sure you can imagine! Emma had quite a clever trick where she asked me to tell her something only the real me would know - perhaps you can ask the other me if "he" knew what a catfish was before he joined? I did not; my daughter had to explain it to me.
Yours truly, Graham. Send message!

Miriam: I'm not sure this is the original Graham. He doesn't sound like the one that I've chatted with previously.

Message: But that would be something you both know about, isn't it. From the questions, both of you gave similar answers. I mean if I was to test you, I would ask you what my partner currently does. I've been talking to the real Graham about it. I also don't wanna seem too nosy though in case you are the real Graham. I know that Blue Graham was very worried about the whole situation and already kinda felt like a bad guy. Send message!

Jackson: I really need to talk to both the Grahams to see who is the original. Circle opens a chat with Blue Graham.

Message: Hmm, some of the answers you gave seem to add up nicely. So I'm wondering now, are you playing TWO accounts right now? Send message!

Graham: Oh my, when will this nightmare ever stop! People I am the real Graham! Can't you see it! Circle opens the chat with Jackson.

Message: Greetings Jackson.
Jackson, my boy! I can assure you, I am both horrified and titillated that my personal information has been used against me, and I am NOT gleeful that someone is playing as a second version of myself.
I was hoping my answers would prove that I am myself and that he was a FRAUD, but he correctly guessed answers such as my 3 grandchildren AND my private sodium chat with Alain.
What do I do?
Sincerely, a terrified Graham. Send message!

Jackson: Blue Graham seems to be the more genuine one, who feels closer to the way he wrote. Red is more likely the impostor.

Message: To be honest, we can only guess what's going on right now, not sure what to think of this. I originally thought both of you got two accounts now, but not sure of that now... What if Rose is catfishing as the other Poppycorn? Or a new player? Guess that the other Graham did their homework or was briefed in some way. Send message!

Graham: I'm sure someone who knows something about me is behind this other Graham.

Message: Hello Jackson.
My dear boy, you have no idea what this kind of message means to my sense of security! I have been in fear that the Red Graham character has been using my information against me and turning the people I had instant positive connections with into distant strangers! I have plenty of love to share, my dear boy, so I am glad that you can see that I have to limit myself in these emails! If The Circle would let me, I would be rambling for hours!
Sincerely, Poppycorn. Send message!

Jackson: Aww, I can imagine the stress that Blue Graham must go through with this twist in the game. Circle why are you so cruel? Why picking an old man? I really need to re-assure Blue Graham that we're with him!

Message: I got a message from the Red Graham earlier and I honestly think you're our real Poppycorn! The Red one seems different and shorter in the way he chats.

Alain: I think I need to form more relationships to secure my place in the Circle. Circle please opens a private chat with Kayzer.

Message: Hi again Kayzer. Curiosity killed the cat, but I would like to ask you a question too. You say you like music and to party. What song can you party all night long on and why? I want to understand what gets you going. Send message!

Kayzer: Oooh, the new boy! Circle opens the chat with Alain!

Message: Hi Alain I'm glad you're here and hope the questions weren't too overwhelming. How are you settling in? That is a good question, I don't have a particular favorite song or genre but every time "I'm Coming Out" comes on, I just have to dance. The rhythm is just too catchy not to. Send message!

Alain: Aww, he sounds like a nice guy.

Message: The questions were fine, thank you. I can be very excited about science, so hopefully, I was not too overwhelming myself.
I will add the song to my playlist and give it a try when I will be taking my shower tonight. Send message!

Kayzer: Alain seems okay. 

Message: So how are you doing buddy? I hope you're settling in well to your apartment now. It's been quite the roller coaster since you've entered huh. Send message!

Alain: Message: This was such something... What are you planning for dinner? I'm getting a stomach ache from eating all instant meals... Maybe you can share some recipes? lol. Send message!

Suzanne: If I remember right then we talked with everyone except for Europa and Emma. Maybe we should start a chat with one of them. I feel that it can bring our ratings a little bit up and secure our spot for another day!

Iris: Yeah, looks like if we don't start a chat with them they will just ignore us and rate us low! 

Suzanne: And we can't afford that! Hehe. Circle opens a chat with Emma!

Message: Hi Emma, sorry I didn’t chat with you just yet. The Circle is really overwhelming and time is flying. How do you do, my dear? Send message!

Amir: Aww, Cameron decided to chat with Emma. It's about time! 

Message: My dear? Haha, you are hilarious dude! Does that mean you are Bri'ish or something? Yep, time is really flying, I can't keep up, I get like 3 messages in, and then time's up. I need to stop sleeping in but you know, what else is there to do atm except maybe try and fly paper airplanes across the room? What's up with you then Cam? Send message!

Iris: British? Nope girl! I just thought that's how you address a girl. hehe! 

Message: Or something, hehe. I try to be funny and making friends. Did it work? Send message!

Amir: Aww, Cameron sounds like a cool guy. He can make jokes!

Message: The Jury's out on that dude, I'll let you know. Guess you are a bit of a Joker-like me? Send message!

Suzanne: It seems if Emma also likes to joke around. Maybe we can flirt with her! It would be funny if she does fall for Cameron although I can feel Emma is way much older than him. So maybe she won't!

Message: Joker or a Catfish? Hehe. I think we need to make jokes sometimes otherwise life will be dreadful. Don't you agree? The ‘free as a bird’ in your bio, does that mean you are single and free to mingle? Send message!

Iris: I think you're going to burn your wings, my friend!

Amir: Cameron my boy, what you're up to? Are you flirting with Emma?

Message: Who said anything about a catfish? Are you feeling guilty or something, Camfish? Blub Blub.  I guess you could say I'm single, I mean, why are you asking? Send message!

Iris: Catfish? Haha, yes we are! But we can't say that!

Message: The catfish was also a joke. Just asking. Will you go for a drink with me after the show? I would like to know you better. Send message!

Suzanne: Now you're flirting with her! Haha.

Iris: Not! Just ask her out for a drink after the show. Nothing wrong with that!

Amir: Cameron boy, you're going too far now! Emma is definitely not a cradle snatcher! 

Message: I'm not sure that's a good idea having not really met face-to-face yet but maybe? I'm not saying it's completely out of the question... perhaps we should get to know each other a bit more here first, you know, just in case you are Ned or something? Send message!

Suzanne: Aww, she didn't fall for Cameron! How sad...

Message: Get to know each other here in the Circle is just fine. And no, I’m not Ned or something. Send message!

Iris: Aww, I guess it didn't work out like we wanted, but oh well, let's see with the next rating!

And then people are taking a break from chatting and wonder who the real graham is
Suzanne and Iris are planning their next step to make friends in the Circle

Miriam is still playing cards

Graham wonders who is the other Graham.

Amir is still practicing on the guitar

Kayzer needs food to fuel him up!

Jackson wonders if he can expand on his monopoly wealth

Rose aka Red Graham learns more about Blue Graham

And Europa takes a nap!

Alain is reading a book


Rose: What's up, Circle?

Miriam: Is it a game?

Amir: Oooh, rating time! Cool! bring it on!

Europa: Ugh! All of a sudden I don't feel well...

Iris: Hopefully, we will be rated higher than last time.

Graham: Aww, Hopefully, Blue Graham will get a higher rating than Red Graham!

Alain: Oooh, I can rate but not be rated! Awesome!

Kayzer: Aww, the 2 Grahams can't be blocked! Good for them!

Jackson: That would be nice to be an influencer... 

Rose: Mmmm... How would Red Graham rate his fellow players?

Miriam: Okay, because Blue Graham can't be rated, my Number 1 goes to Jackson, he is the one I'm second closest with, and we have to work on the goal that this season is even better than the last!

Amir: Kayzer Sediqi will be number 2, I like Kayzer, he seems genuine and I'd like for him to stick around

Europa: I will rank Jackson and Kayser first and second as I had more contact with them this round.

Suzanne: I think we can rate Miriam third. 

Iris: Sounds good to me.

Graham: I think I will rate Emma 4th. 

Alain: I do like all of the people that I've talked to so far. So Circle put Kayzer in 4th place.

Kayzer: Europa has messaged me since the last ratings but I'm still not sure who she is as a person sadly. Circle put Europa in 4th place

Jackson: Today's been a really off day, now we got only 5 to rate... Kayzer's still my main bud, tho Miriam's been giving me some reason to put her higher. Europa's still on the bottom of my list, she did message me a bit, but it pales in comparison to the rest. Circle submits my ratings!

With the ratings completed, players decided to chat again
Amir: I still need to figure out who the real Graham is. Circle opens a chat with Red Graham.

Message: This is getting weirder each time I say it, two Grahams! Are you like evil twins or what? The blue one must be the good one, so does that make you bad? How do we know we can trust either of you? That's the question... maybe you can tell me something the other Graham wouldn't know? Send message!

Rose: Aww, Emma! I really think I need to get her on my side! 

Message: Hello Emma!
This is odd for me, too! I'm afraid I have as much idea as you as to what's happening, although I know I'm no evil twin. It's a good idea to ask us something only we would know - perhaps ask the other me who explained to me what a catfish is? My daughter had to explain the definition before I came on the show.
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!

Graham: I really need to talk to Kayzer. Circle, please opens a chat with Kayzer.

Message: Greetings Kayzer!
I need your cheering up once more, my boy. I could rely on you last time, and I am desperate for a smile today. I do not understand what is going on but I find that this "Red Graham" correctly guessing my private information rather scary and infuriating.
I hope you can see that in my response to your question, not only did he misjudge my opinions on dear Europa, but he also did not sign his email with our relationship.
Sincerely, YOUR Terrified Poppycorn.

Kayzer: Blue Graham wants to talk to me. Mmm... 

Message: Hiya Poppycorn! I'm glad you've got in touch because this whole situation is insane! I was in two minds throughout the questions until my question popped up. Regardless of whether you felt that way about Europa, you wouldn't have been so outright about it all. You have given everyone a chance in this game and it has shown through your messages. You can rely on me - I know you are the real Graham! Have you talked to Red Graham at all since the glitch and game have happened?

Graham: Bless this boy! I am so thankful for his support. He doesn't know how much this means to me, but I am dreadfully hurt over this situation. Thankfully, I have shown my true self and Kayzer has my back through these trying times!

Message: Hello, Kayzer.
My dear, you have made this poor sorry old soul cry today. I expected a smile coming from yourself, but I did not expect such a heartful response. This situation has rattled me, and I wish to go back home to my husband. However, I am here to make my daughter proud, and I will not quit because of some silly tomfoolery! I am so thankful for you, my boy. I truly need a friend in this trying time.
I have not messaged Red Graham. Since he is just a picture of myself, I feel it is a bit silly to do so. As if I was talking to a mirror! Ha ha! I do not wish to befriend such a person, and I have never been in this position before in my life. I do not believe they will drop the act, even in private conversation. It will hurt me, too much to try. What do you think I should do?
Thank you, Poppycorn. Send message!

Miriam: I need to talk to the new boy. Circle opens a chat with Alain.

Message: Hey Alain, I hope you enjoyed our welcome here. How are you doing right now? Send message!

Alain: Oooh, Miriam wants to chat with me. Circle opens the chat with Miriam.

Message: Hi Miriam. You seem to be a sweet loving gal with the patience of an angel. But what can your partner and daughter do to drive you crazy? At what point do you want to tie them down on a chair? Send message!

Miriam: Aww, what a sweet guy...

Message: Awww, that is sweet of you to say Alain. I'm generally a patient person, as a nurse and mother you kinda have to be. I will admit that there are situations like when I get back home from my shift and my partner and my daughter immediately scream 'MOMMY! MOMMY!' (and yes my partner actually does it too because he finds it hysterical, which is totally not weird at all) where I just want to hide in my bedroom, but then I look at them and everytime I do I know that these situations are worth it and I would not trade it for anything because I love both of them so much. Send message!

Alain: Aww, Miriam sounds like a cool mom!

Message: I laughed out loud on that one. Your family sounds like a full on chaotic bundle of fun. Glad you can still handle it.
At the moment I am getting settled in. I'm still searching for noodles in the kitchen since I never really learned on how to cook.. I am great with cooking stuff for science, but somehow reading recipes is like reading a different language for me. How do you like it so far? Send message!

Miriam: Aww, the clumsy cook! Hehe.

Message: I'm sure you will get the hang of it. I have to admit I'm not the best cook myself, my partner usually is the one in the kitchen. I really enjoy it in here so far, I love the people here so far, so I think you will have a good time here too. Some have been more quiet though than the others. Though I fear that the blockings won't get much easier from now on. Send message!

Alain: I'm glad someone is backing me up! I wonder what she's thinking about the 2 Grahams?

Message: Are you as perplexed by the Graham plot twist as I am? Because I am like that Pikachu meme that goes. : O

Miriam: I guess we all wonder about that! 

Message: I am actually. I was like 'Wait, I'm seeing double!', hehe. And thanks for the mental image. Message send!

Jackson: I talked to almost everyone in the Circle but I really would like to talk to Cameron more. He claims to be from the tropics and he seems to be the youngest in here, so I think he could be like a new lil' bro to hang out with. Please opens a chat with Cameron!

Message: Hey how are you doing! Also you're also from the tropics I see? #TropicsUnite. Send message!

Iris: Jackson wants to chat with us! Base on the rating results it will be good to keep us in his good books. Circle opens the chat with Jackson!

Message: I’m just fine, how are you? Yeah, I’ve got the privilege to live here my whole entire 20 years. Send message!

Jackson: Message: Nice, been living in the tropics for my entire life as well, not gonna lie, I think it's brilliant. I'm excited being on the show, it feels way unreal watching the show a few seasons, giving it a shot, and then BOOM - made the cut. Bloody brilliant! Send message!

Iris: Jackson sounds okay and friendly.

Message: Yeah, the down part in living in the tropical is that you never experience snow like in the northern parts of the world. But I love fishing and here I can do that 24/7 without worrying about getting freezing up. Send message.

Jackson: Message: Yeah, that's fair. Tho yeah, if missing out on snow means more fishing, surfing, and #summerheat me thinks I know what I'd rather. Everybody picked the treehouse so we all are on the same page at that! Figure the tropics also brings more cool fish so that's another thumbs up! So, by the way, what's your fam like? Send message!

Iris: Oooh, he asks about Cameron's family. What will I tell him?

Message: Aww, most of my life I grew up with my grandparents. My parents died when I was just a toddler and I’m the only child. But I couldn’t ask for better parents than my grandparents. I love them to bits. And how about you? Send message!

Jackson: Aww, the boy lost his parents as a toddler! That must be sad?

Message: Just told Graham in a chat about my grandfathers, they both died before I was born. Though me and my bro were raised by my parents and they were a loving bunch nonetheless. Sorry and my condolences for your parents, your grandparents sound like really great and awesome people though. Send messages. 

Suzanne: Jackson seems nice and friendly.

Message: To lose any kind of parent is sad. My condolences to you too. And yeah, my grandparents are awesome! I couldn’t ask for more.
So, I see you like surfing? Are there any other hobbies you’re doing? Send message!

Jackson: Cameron seems a good boy and I kind of feeling sad for him not growing up with his parents. But he seems if he handled that okay!

Message: Thanks a lot bud. Twas really rough for my parents. They've given it a place now though and grown from it ever since. Hope and think the same goes for your grandparents. 
Besides surfing, I like chillin' and vibin' with friends, some games, tinkering around with mechanical stuff... I kinda live in the here and now, y'know what I mean? 

And then

Rose: That must be the rating results!

Miriam: Now I wish the clone has chosen me! This is nerve-wracking!

Amir! Hopefully, Emma isn't on the bottom!

Europa: I knew that! Ugh!

Iris: Fingers crossed we're not 5th... I really want to be up higher!

Suzanne: Aww, I think we will be okay!

Graham: Aww, Emma and Europa are on the bottom of the ratings. I wonder why they are so low?

Alain: I hope it's not my boy, Cameron. I really want him higher up!

Kayzer: I guess with only 6 players, Cameron couldn't be higher.

Jackson: Only, Kayzer, Miriam, and I left. 

Rose: Oooh, that means Kayzer and Jackson are influencers! But who will be number 1?

Miriam: I'm happy to be number 3 and feel comfortable with Kayzer and Jackson as influencers!

Amir: So quick! Can't we relax first?

Europa: Ugh! I think I can go pack my bags... 

Kayzer: Now? So soon? Can't we think about it first?

Jackson: Ugh! I feel bad to block someone! This going to be difficult! Oh well, let's go!

Jackson: Oooh, nice!

Kayzer: Wow! Look at this place!

Jackson: So let us start!

Message: Well, whaddya know? XD #TeamKayzJacko FTW!!! AWESOME!!! Send message!

Kayzer: Yes! #TeamKayzJacko finally got them influencer spots! Well done buddy.

Jackson: *Digital hug* We dun it! 
... Now the hard part comes...

Kayzer: *Digital hug*
We did high five to us! Now comes the hard part though

Jackson: Yep. Let's go by them by alphabet?
Only Cameron, Emma, Europa, and Miriam on the block.

Kayzer: Yeah that sounds like a good plan to me.
Let's start with Cameron...

Jackson: Yeah. Good kid, could see me bonding with him on the long run, we got some stuff in common. Could see him becoming close with Alain as well, so hoping they'll get that shot at bonding too.

Kayzer: Yeah I agree he's a really good kid and has a lot to bring to the game!
Should we do Emma now...

Jackson: Put her in the middle of my list. I feel there's some more to her we haven't seen yet.

Kayzer: I agree with you, she is a bit quiet but she has started talking a little more.
Next up we have Europa...

Jackson: Europa. The biggest napper we have in our Circle. Got one (1) message from her.

Kayzer: Haha yes same a total of 2 messages is not great, why is she even here with that record? 
Next up is Miriam...

Jackson: Got some good chatting with her. Wanna keep her around for longer.

Kayzer: Glad we're on the same page with Miriam.
Looks like it's between Emma or Europa then for the block. I'm sure we know which one it will be right bud 

And then...

Suzanne: That must be the influencers!

Rose: I am so glad I can't be blocked! But if they do...

Graham: I'm feeling sad for the player that has to go... No matter who it is...

Miriam: Just let it not be me!

Alain: Aww, everyone must feel nervous! I'm glad I'm immune!

Amir: Hopefully, they don't block Emma! Emma's work isn't done here yet!

Europa: It's me! I just can feel it!

Jackson: It honestly sucks we have to block someone, it was really difficult, but Kayzer and I made a final decision. We had some good chats going on with everyone, so it was rough for us. We talked all options through and we came to the conclusion that blocking this person hurts the least for us.

Jackson: The person we sadly decided to block is...

To be continue

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  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...