Saturday, September 25, 2021

Episode 7


Jackson: Aww... Can't believe I'm an Influencer once again! But let's go make a decision and block someone!

Kaizer: Aww... I don't like this but let's do it!

Kayzer: Here we go again Jacko! TeamKayzJacko are back in the influencer spots

Jackson: #KayzJacko did it once more! We're on a ROLL!

... Now comes the shitty part tho 

Kaizer: Yes unfortunately it has to be done ughhh can't we just pick straws instead, Circle and the unlucky player left goes? That'd be so much easier!
So we have Alain, Cameron, Emma, Graham and Miriam... should we start with Alain?

Jackson: I've heard some rumors and gossiping going around which has been making people feel uncomfy. Thinking the person spreading them's gotta go. Tho haven't figured out who exactly it is.

Kaizer: Yeah true I've heard a few things too the last few days. It all seems to go back to one of two people, though I am inclined to believe it is one over the other.

Jackson: Hmm, Alain is one of my main suspects for the goss.
Alain and Emma?

Kaizer: I was going to say them yeah, what rumours have you heard? Let's see if we can work back from there

Jackson: Hmm, what I got is: Cameron's been telling me he's afraid he'd place rock bottom because of all the gossip on him. Emma told me he accused her of telling everyone he's actually an old lady. But Emma's claiming that she didn't. She also told me about a rumor that I'm actually some Lemon Lime lady, that Alain told her, and then she linked that to the Cameron rumor. Meanwhile, Alain's acting like nothing's going on.

Jackson: So either 1) Emma's being thrown under the bus by Alain; 2) Emma's throwing Alain under the bus; 3) Both of them are guilty.
Catfish or not, one of the rumour spreading dudes has to go.

Kaizer: That is interesting, Cameron is a good chap and wouldn't lie about that. He did ask me if I knew anything but didn't. Emma came to me and accused Alain that he could be a robot but I've asked Alain and he has denied it. I do find it odd that all these rumours have started since Alain has entered and it was very present before he came in... on the other hand I don't trust Emma as Graham said there have been inconsistencies with her stories to him. Apparently she is in a relationship with a other girl called Emma and that she has a big crush on Miriam?

Jackson: Yeah, thinking Cameron's the victim of the situation and we should try and lighten things up for his sake. Also, GIRLfriend? Emma told me she had a BOYfriend, who is much better at YT fame than she is. And her profile claims she's 'looking for a whirlwind romance'. So she's either lying, in open relationships, or has exes. Hmm... Then again, last season Boris first claimed his twin was named Mark, then later on said twin was named Lars and Boris was the real deal and won?

Kaizer: Hmm that's so true, there's so much information that is just not adding up and it all goes back to Emma it appears.

Jackson: Emma or Alain. Question is, we think she made it up and is the culprit herself, or Alain's the guy were looking for?
We trusting Emma's word?

Kaizer: Hmm I think we should do OK on this occasion. If it turns out she was lying and the rumors keep coming whwb Alain is gone then we'll know for sure who it was.

Jackson:  I guess the same can be said about keeping Alain tho

Kaizer: So true. Out of the two of them who do you think would be best to keep? Is there any pros either could bring to the circle which the other doesn't?

Jackson: ... Doing this honestly hurts, but here goes... Speaking in Emma's favour is that the goss started after Alain entered and she has a slightly closer bond with the group on average. Speaking against her is that her dating stories don't add up together, so we can't be sure to trust her word.

Kaizer: Yeah it sucks... I agree though, her dating stories don't add up.but it has been rather drama free until Alain came in.
For Alain, he does sound like a nice guy when chatting one to one. It is odd how he has been thrown into the mix though especially when he hasn't done much unless that is his way of trying to play the game and make Emma look bad by blaming her.

Jackson: (Kaizer: Emma came to me and accused Alain that he could be a robot but I've asked Alain and he has denied it.)
Hmm, do you mean denied as in, he's not a robot, or as in, Emma never accused him of being a robot?

Kaizer: Denied being a robot... Well kind of. He never actually denied it all out but said it was a stupid rumour.

Jackson: Hmm...

Kaizer: So all in all it doesn't look good for Alain to not deny it forthright. Perhaps Emma is being honest...

Jackson: A robot on here would be really cool, but that's besides the point now. If Emma never accused him then that'd be speaking more against her.
In the end it's all coming down to trust and believing. When we got in here I got more trust in Emma. Now I'm unsure of both of them. And I'd not forgive myself for a loooong time if we sent the wrong one home

Kaizer: Yeah I get you with that. When it comes to trust I do trust Emma slightly more... then again I haven't talked much to Alain to create any trust there.
If I had to pick based on trust I'd probably send home Alain as I just don't know about who he is and what his true intentions are here.

Jackson: Yeah, me neither. They're both around same level of talkative.

Kaizer: Hmm it looks like whichever way we choose could be a risk... what does your gut say Jacko?

Miriam: Ooooh... I'm scared... What if it's me they want to block?

Amir: Whatever happens, I'm okay with it!

Iris: What if it's us?

Suzanne: Aww... I'm not worried... Let's wait and see...

Graham: What if it's this old man that have to go?

Alain: Circle, take me to the Circle chat!

Kaizer: Kayzer: Hi all! This blocking was a difficult one. It was hard to discuss who we should send home today as well like each and every one of you... however, there has been something brought to our attention. Recently there has been a lot of rumours going around about certain players in the circle. These rumours seem to be untrue and are causing chaos and confusion amongst all of us.

Miriam: Oh no... Emma what have you done?

Amir: It's not my fault! Blame the Circle!

Kayzer: After discussing in detail what is going on, we have narrowed it down to two people who we think the rumors could have been started. Our blocking today will hopefully block the instigator and remove the confusion we've been witnessing.

Iris: Are they talking about Emma and Alain? I don't think it's Alain that started the rumors!

Suzanne: Yeah, Emma started it all and she has to go! I hope the Influencers saw through her lies!

Graham: What rumors are they talking about? I'm confuse...

Kaizer: With a heavy heart, the person we are blocking today is...

Kayzer: Alain!

Alain: What? Why me? I didn't start the rumors!

Amir: WHAT?! Omg they actually fell for it, guys, even I thought the robot theory was insane and I came up with the idea! I was not expecting that to happen at all, I really thought they had caught me out. 

Suzanne: Nooooo! Emma, I will never forgive you!

Iris: Yeah, Alain was really a nice boy and I liked to chat with him! We will miss him for sure!

Alain: What now Circle? I still didn't pack my stuff. I'm not ready to go yet? I still have to visit someone? I want to visit Cameron!

Alain: Tell me something that I don't know...

Alain: What? Why? How?

Alain: Ugh! Why me? I'm sure there's others to choose from!

Alain: Is the ASSASSIN, Miriam?

Alain: Hello... Miriam?

Alain: Who are you? And why did you choose to assassinate me?

Amir: Hey dude! My name's Amir aka Emma, I'm so sorry for getting you blocked, it was like either you or me and I really didn't want to go home just yet. I chose you because, well, everyone else already had really strong connections and with you being the new guy I thought I could spin some theories about you being a robot who has come to take over the Circle. It started as a joke but people were really getting into it, I feel really bad...

Alain: Ah that explains the whole robot situation, Kayzer actually approached me and asked about it. But I understand it. In this game it's always you or someone else. I appreciate your honesty about it. No hard feelings Amir, hope you can keep it up!

Amir: Thanks, yeah, that was kinda wild, it spun out of control really quickly, like I was telling people that you were AI-ain and that you were glitching out when people talked to you, even that you had a breakdown and were repeating pre-programmed phrases, I couldn't believe how insane it was all sounding! There was zero animosity behind it, honest, I have nothing against you it was just unfortunate circumstances, If I tried to convince people that say, Graham or Miriam needed to be blocked that just wasn't going to happen so it had to be you, purely because you'd had less time to talk to people.
To think this all started because nobody picked me for the rewards, I was really tempted to tell you about it when we talked about sharing the prizes but like, I couldn't risk setting myself up for a fall. I'm glad that you aren't too beaten up about it, It lifts a real weight off my shoulders. 

Alain: That's a pretty wild story indeed. It does make my day. I'm happy you told me all of this and I respect your decision. Especially since your stunt was pretty clever haha.

Amir: You are too kind Alain, seriously, I really don't deserve to be applauded after that, If anything it makes me feel much worse. I know it was kind of a bad thing to do, I know people will probably want me blocked the next chance they get, I can't imagine the rest of the Circle are gonna be my best friends after all that, they probably won't trust a word I say ever again! I feel like I need to tell you something else, I kinda told Jackson that you thought he was Laurel Lemon-Lime and I told Cameron you thought he was an old lady, It was me that wrote those hashtags but people started to speculate that you wrote them so, I went with it. 

Alain: Oh woah. I also want to come clear on something.
I kind of did a little evilish thing too to create a little chaos. I actually wrote the poem for Kayzer in which I said some bad things. I felt like I needed to get the focus off me since I was the newby and the misfit. I used information that happened before during the games to stir the pot if I can say it like that.
I said Emma was a catfish since the hashtags indicated multiple people thought about it.
I came after Jackson because he was the #1 influencer. And I feel bad about that because he actually was a great friend to me.
And I mentioned myself and Cameron together because we were being great friends and I needed some cover before people would think I wrote it.
I put Miriam in as trustworthy so it would seem that maybe someone who does not like her wrote this poem and used her ironically
And I left Graham out to also be a little mysterious on that, haha..
Maybe I deserved to be blocked after that poem. You know the saying about Karma..

Amir: Nah, no way dude! You were just playing the game, If anyone understands that it's me. I'm glad we can be so open about this stuff, It's really refreshing considering how two-faced half the people still in the game are. I mean, so what? I'm a catfish but it's just a bit of fun, people keep making out I'm like the devil or something. :joy: I wish it would have been different circumstances, really, I think me and you would have gotten along great. Now I am so gutted...

Alain: I'm happy we had this talk. It feels like a relief. And you are right. There must be someone being worse than we were right now.
Thank you for catching up with me Amir. I glad you are immune. Good luck!

Amir: Well, It was nice to finally meet you dude and I wish you luck on the outside! I feel like I owe you, after all, that's happened so if you still got nowhere to go you are welcome to crash on my sofa. 

Amir: Bye!

The next morning...

Kaizer: That must be Alain's goodbye message... I really feel sorry that we have to block him.

Jackson: Hopefully we blocked the right person!

Graham: Aww, it must be Alain's message. Seeing forward to it!

Iris: I still can't believe that the Influencers fell for Emma's stories! Ugh!

Susanne: People will see now that Alain isn't a Robot! How ridiculous of them to think so in the first place!

Miriam: I knew he wasn't a Robot and a real person! Emma! How could you?

Amir: Sorry people...

Miriam: What now, Circle? Another game or is it time for the ratings again?

Amir: And I've done it!

Iris: Let me guess? Emma?

Suzanne: Definitely!

Graham: And our poor boy, Alain was the victim?

Jackson: Noooo! I fell for it! Ugh!

Kaizer: That's nice... Not! Ugh!

Amir: Thanks for telling them, Circle! I guess I need to say something now... Like a apology?

Okay, here goes nothing, I'm ready for a colossal dressing-down, it's like being sent to the Principal's office after a really funny prank goes wrong... 

Message: Hey Circle! It's your BFF Emma here. Just letting you know that you've been pranked! Let me start off by saying that I feel really bad for Alain being the target of my little practical joke but as for the rest of you, meh. #SorryNotSorry You guys have rated me close to the bottom of the pile since I got here, left really mean hashtags on my profile, talked about me behind my back and left me out big time, so, when I you chose not to share your reward with me and I had the chance to win immunity I went for it with both barrels. You know what they say, get blocked a hero or stay long enough to become the villain, fire away with your questions, I got nothing to lose... Send message!

And somewhere else in the building...

???: Ooooh, nice...

???: My favorite color... Pink! Nice...

???: Okay let's set up my profile!

Kaizer: What's up, Circle? A game, or ratings?

Jackson: Ooooh, I hope it's another girl to balance us out...

Graham: Another girl! Circle take me to Heejin's profile!

Suzanne: She seems nice...

Iris: Yeah... But I'm missing Alain... He was such a nice boy...

Amir: Hopefully not tricky questions!

Miriam: Hopefully she chooses me then I can tell her to stay away from Emma! I still can't believe that she tricked us to believe that Alain is a Robot!

Iris: I know what I will do with that money!

Suzanne: Go on a long vacation?

Amir: I will take my girlfriend on a cruise for a whole month! She deserves it if I win this after the ASSASSIN debacle!

Graham: Lots of things that I can think of...

Jackson: I know what I will do with that kind of money...

Kayzer: I will...

Miriam: Lots and lots of stuff that I want to do with the money...

Heejin: Aww... Everyone's answers is good! They sure know what they want to do with the money!

Next question:

Suzanne: I guess you can answer this question.

Iris: Yeah, and I know the answer for that one...

Amir: I'm definitely not proud of tricking the people to believe Alain was a Robot!

Graham: I'm proud of...

Jackson: I'm proud of many things.

Kayzer: I'm proud of myself!

Miriam: I'm proud of...

Heejin: I love everyone's answers on that question. It's going to be very difficult to just choose one.

Iris: Aww, which person will Cameron admire?

Suzanne: Definitely his grandparents. You and your hubby is his everything! If it wasn't for the two of you, God knows what would've happened with him!

Amir: There is a lot of people I admire.

Graham: Definitely, Gregg!

Jackson: I admire lots of people but the most...

Kayzer: I don't know who I can singled out...

Miriam: Lots of people...

Heejin: Aww sweet! Everyone is special. So who must I choose? Can't I go with everyone?

Miriam: I guess she made her choice...

Amir: You won't make a mistake if you choose me!

Iris: If she doesn't choose us we can always chat with her later...

Suzanne: Yep...

Graham: Choose the old man... Look at me... I'm friendly and cute...

Jackson: Hopefully she chooses me...

Kaizer: Me?

Heejin: This is really a difficult decision, but I made my choice!

Heejin: Kayzer!

Kayzer: Awesome sauce! She has chosen me!

Heejin: Oooh, nice...

Kaizer: Nice to be here again!

Kaizer: Okay, let's chat with the girl and see how she is... Circle opens Private Chat with Heejin.

Message: Hi Heejin! Welcome to the Circle. I hope you're settling in well. Thank you for choosing me for the date, I must say I am grateful to accept. What made you choose me? Send message!

Heejin: Ooooh, I almost feel like a teenager on her first date! This is so exciting!

Message: Kayzer!! How great is this!! I'm sooo happy to meet you!! Its really really hard to decide, but I think your answers are very honest and honesty is EVERYTHING!! You seem to want fun and also help your family and thats soooo pure. I hope that I meet up to your expectations and you are not disappointed for me picking you #BeHonestPls. Send message!

Kaizer: Awww... She sounds cool!

Message: I'm so happy you are enjoying your time here! Thank you for choosing me again, you're definitely bringing the fun and positivity which is fantastic. Dont worry you are exceeding expectations Heejin! So tell me a bit about yourself, you like K-Pop? Send message!

Heejin: Message: OMG!! Dont get me started on K-Pop!! I'm a hyperactive bundle of joy for sureeee so #kpoplife fits me perfectly.
My friends would say that I'm loud, like really loud, I laugh the hardest and do weird dances to celebrate my victories. We once in class had to play out some court cases and I won - I'm a great person in debates - so I gave them a full macarena involving into the carlton dance K-Pop style!! So what about you? What keeps your boat rolling?! Send message!

Kaizer: Message: Fantastic! You sound like a cuckoo banana and I love it! I mean that is one way to win a court case, if in doubt do the macarena into a Carlton. My interests are a bit more reserved, I like going hiking and deep sea diving- it's hard to do all the time when you don't live near the sea though. When I'm not out and about i do like to party, give me some good music and I'm dancing like a mad man. Send message!

Heejin: Message: Hahah hope a cuckoo banana is a good thing :p I can sooo picture myself doing a Macarena and go all Carlton right after like Im some sort of fruity tooty salad hahahah! ohh where do you live? is there anything nice to do around there? so what music do you like? #tellmeeeeee!! 
Send message!

Kaizer: Message: Oh it certainly is. That would be fantastic! Oooh now I'm craving a fruity tooty salad now. I live out East near this mountain range, its pretty recent so I'm still getting to grips with the area but it's good for my hiking. I like all types of music, I must admit I'm not up to date with K-Pop but I would love it if you could introduce me to some. I think it could be a new music taste I'd like. 
Send message!

Heejin: Message: You HAVE to take me on hikes :blush: ANNNDDD I will take you to kpop shows after this, #pinkypromise I promise you will be blown away!!! Send message!

Suzanne: What are we having for supper?

Iris: Froglegs?

Suzanne: What? You're not serious? You know I don't eat frogs!

Iris: Just joking! Your favorite... Mac and cheese!

Suzanne: Oooh yummy! It's smells divine!

Miriam: Aww, I wish Charles was here...

Graham: Just this page then I need to go to bed...

Amir: ๐… ๐… If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
(You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is๐‡ง๐‡ง

Jackson: And now it's just you and me, Wilson! Maybe I can ask the Circle if you can visit Miriam tomorrow...

The next morning

Miriam: Is it rating time?

Heejin: Oooh, my first game in The Circle! Bring it on!

Kaizer: That is easy!

Amir: Rather ask me who is my enemy! That I can answer!

Suzanne: Alain!

Iris: Shouldn't we choose a person that is still in the game?

Suzanne: Ugh!

Miriam: Me! 

Graham: Just not me!

Jackson: Me and Kaizer, again!

Heejin: The person that didn't get a chance yet!

Miriam: Actually, everyone!

Amir: Everyone that doesn't like Emma!

Iris: I guess it must be Emma! She's our enemy!

Graham: Nobody! I like everyone!

Jackson: Everyone?

Kaizer: Can I choose more than one?

Heejin: I just come here, so I don't know yet! But if I must choose...

Miriam: If it isn't the ratings then I eat my boots for breakfast!

Suzanne: Oh goody... I think this time I'm scared... What if?

Iris: Let's face it, we did survive until now and if we have to go now, I'm happy!

Suzanne: But I came to win this! We can't go now!

Iris: I had fun, you had fun! What more do you want?

Suzanne: We came to win this and buy Cameron that farmland he wants so badly with the money!

Iris: Aww... I know... But...

Graham: Oh... Let's rate then!

Jackson: Good for Heejin but Ugh for Emma! Circle, my number one is...

Kaizer: Circle, put Graham in my second spot!

Amir: Let me see who I can put in my third place...

Heejin: I didn't chat much with this person and will put them on the bottom...

To be continued...

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  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...