Monday, September 27, 2021

Episode 9


Suzanne: Okay, let's go...

Iris: Hello...

Iris: Oh here you are...

Graham: ???

Iris: Hi Mr. Graham, I’m Iris, and Cameron is real. He is my grandson. Sorry that we lied to you.

Suzanne: Hi Mr. Graham, I’m Iris's friend and it was my idea to play as Cameron. If we knew that you were in the Circle we would’ve played as one of us and get to know you better as ourselves. I hope there are no heart feelings. We’re just two old girls that wanna have fun!

Graham: My dears! Oh, what an absolute surprise! I did not see it coming! You both are absolutely wonderful. It is a pleasure to meet you both! I must say I am disappointed to not have met the wonderful Cameron, but you pulled the wool over my eyes completely. Sit sit! We must be acquainted! Would you like some tea?

Iris: Aww thank you. Tea would be lovely. And I'm sure you will meet my grandson at the finals.

Suzanne: Thank you, Mr. Graham. You don't know how many times we want to tell you the truth. We decided to come and visit you that you can know who we really are before you guys see the video message tomorrow. At least we can prepare you for the shock. And again we're sorry about it. You are such a nice and lovely person. And we did come closer to you than the others.

Graham: Oh, no need to apologize my dears. I would have accepted you both into my heart as quickly as I did meet "Cameron". I would have appreciated you telling me, but I understand how risky of a position that is and why you did not do that. I'm sure you could tell, I am not a Catfish, so part of me believes everyone is genuinely who they say they are! What a shock it is! Either way, it is lovely to meet you both and that you both came to visit me!

Iris: Aww, nobody can fake the real Mr. Graham and we knew from the start you're real. Hehe, because we're catfishing we thought all of the other players are catfishes except for you, Mr. Graham.

Suzanne: Yeah, all of them feel unreal except for Miriam maybe. What do you think Mr. Graham?

Graham: The only two people that I am 100% certain of are Miriam and Kayzer! They are such wonderful people and you can't fake their genuine nature. I love each and every person in The Circle, however, I know not everyone is here playing the truth and I need to accept that.

Iris: Yeah, we did talk to everyone. Emma was hilarious when she spread the rumor about Alain. But I was sad when he got blocked. We did have a nice time chatting with him.

Suzanne: Yeah, I think if he stayed a little longer we would've had a showmance, bromance type of thing, hehe. And we could feel he was genuine too.

Graham: Oh, my dears. I absolutely adored getting to know the brain behind Alain. I was genuinely shocked to see him go when he did, as I feel I was the only one not involved in any false information about him. I do not trust Emma, though I feel for the poor young lady. I shall remain to be a friend to her, and hope that others will forgive her for her attitude, but at this point in time, I believe it is between myself and her, who are out next.

Iris: Aww, Mr. Graham, we're rooting for you and believe you can win this!

Suzanne: Definitely, there's nobody in The Circle as lovable as you are, Mr. Graham. But I think it's time for us to go. Bye, Mr. Graham! 

Graham: Ladies, it was an honor to meet you both and I am very glad you've selected me to visit today. I will see you, and hopefully young Cameron, in the finale and we shall all go out for a drink or two! Hugs to you both and thank you for a lovely tea time!

The next morning

Miriam: It must be Cameron's video message! Can't wait to watch it!

Amir: If Cameron isn't a catfish then I eat cockroaches for the week!

Graham: Aww... I can't wait for the others to see how friendly Cameron's grandmother is...

Jackson: Is it Cameron's video message?

Kayzer: Oh my word! Cameron was a catfish! Aww, but the 2 old ladies are so cute...

Heejin: What? Cameron isn't Cameron! Aww, but the 2 old ladies are so cool! Just slighly upset they did not come as themselves.

Miriam: Oooh, maybe something fun to do!

Graham: I hope it isn't bad news!

Amir: Maybe it's rating time again?

Jackson: Oooh, a game! 

Kayzer: Nice! I love bingo!

Heejin: Let's play! I'm ready!

Michelle singing...

???: Michelle...

???: Michelle! We're alive!

Michelle: Oooh, oops. 

Hello players! We are going to play a game! I'm going to call out two players' names and then I will ask them a question. They have to answer with another player's name. If their answers are the same then they will get a Bingo! If not, they fail. Okay let's start!

Michelle: And your question...

Kayzer: Most honest player? Definitely, Graham!

Heejin: I think the most honest player is Miriam!

Michelle: Noooo...

Michelle: The next one...

Michelle: And your question...

Graham: I guess it's Emma with the ASSASSIN prank!

Miriam: Definitely, Emma! 

Michelle: Bingo!

And the last one...

Michelle: And your question...

Jackson: Tough one... I think I'm gonna go with Graham. Feeling he's mentioned other players the most in our chats.

Amir: I can't say myself can I? Hehe!

Michelle: No...

Amir: Then it must be Kayzer. Because he seems to be pretty chatty with everyone.

Michelle: Sorry...

Michelle: Thank you for playing Balsy Bingo! Congratz to Graham and Miriam. You can get your Bling party goodies at your door!

Miriam: Woot! We're having a party!

Graham: Aww, it will be nice to have a party with Miriam!

Miriam:  Yay, we won another party together!

Graham: Hello Miriam!
Another party together with yourself, how wonderful! I don’t fully understand the concept of a “Blingo” party, but it sounds like it could be fun regardless! 
Sincerely, Graham

 Miriam: Well I know that Blingo is a game... and that is pretty much everything I know about Bingo.

Graham: Dear Miriam,
I have heard of Bingo, but not "Blingo". Perhaps it is bingo but with a little more pizzazz! Either way, I am glad to be enjoying a party to liven up the passing time here.
We are so close to the final chapter of this story and I am so blessed to be here. I did not expect to make it this far, but I am glad that I have had this journey, and that I have met your wonderful self in this experience. Here is to us, and to making it to the end! Here here!
Sincerely, Graham.

Miriam: Aww that is sweet, I also really enjoyed getting to know you. I honestly admire you so much, you went through so much in your life and you are at a place you are truly happy. I really hope that I can be this happy when I reach that age. And I know that there are tons of people out there who will feel the same. You really are an inspiration and I want you to know that.

Graham: Dear Miriam,
Aww... You are sweet too and I love chatting with you and glad we win this party together!
Sincerely, Graham.

The next morning

Miriam: Hope you got good news for us, Circle!

Amir: I guess it's the ratings!

Graham: Are we going to play another game?

Jackson: What? 

Kayzer: That's cool! 

Heejin: Finals? I just came here...!

Miriam: And here we go... Rating time!

Amir: Okay... Let's see who's going for the first place!

Graham: I want to put...

Jackson: In my third place I want...

Kayzer: This is really difficult...

Heejin: And I will put in my last place...

Miriam: Oooh, I just thought we're going to have a quick rating results like last time! 

Amir: What are we campaigning?

Graham: I'm a cute old man that deserves the finals...?

Jackson: This going to be hard...

Kayzer: Do we get help?

Heejin: I'm not good with words!

Graham: Here you go! I've tried my best!

Jackson: I think this was kind of fun!

Amir: I think Emma will be proud of me!

Heejin: Aww, this was hard... I think!

Kayzer: Hope this will work! Otherwise I...

Miriam: I almost feel like a politician! Hehe...

And then they taking a break from Circle stuff...

Miriam: I guess it's D-day!

Amir: Are we going to see the results and will there be influencers?

Graham: What?

Jackson: Another twist, Circle?

Kayzer: Hopefully I am the Super Influencer!

Heejin: I guess I can go pack my bags? I don't think they will keep the last one in!

Miriam: WHAT?!?! HOW AM I FIRST?!?!

Being first before the finale... wow, I'm actually shocked!

Miriam: This is hard... at the one hand, I'm extatic that the others ranked me so high, but cutting somebody off before the Finale.... this is cruel. 

I was honestly between Emma and Kayzer, I love both of them, but I'm just closer to Poppycorn, Jackson and Heejin.

I wanted to base it on the campaigns, but all of them were so good.

This decision is solely based on my connections. I have amazing bonds with everybody here, which makes this harder, but there sadly has to be one, and I hope the person I will block can forgive me and doesn't take it in the wrong way as I still think of them as a friend.

So with that, I sadly decided to block...

Miriam: Oh fuck!

Amir: Is it me?

Graham: Is it the old man?

Jackson: I don't feel so good!

Kaizer: What is the odds?

Heejin: Let me go start packing my bags...

To be continued...

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  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...