Sunday, September 26, 2021

Episode 8


Heejin: Oooh, are we getting another game, Circle?

Kayzer: What? We just send in our ratings!

Jackson: Nooo... Suddenly, I don't feel so good...

Graham: I guess the old man can start packing his bags?

Iris: Hopefully, we are from the others...

Suzanne: Fingers crossed!

Amir: Not Emma!

Miriam: Oh noooo... Not Cameron!


Heejin: Aww... They will all be devastated!

Kayzer: What does that mean? Do we have to choose who to block?

Jackson: Ugh! Why me?

Graham: I feel sorry for both of them. I'm going to miss them dearly...

Suzanne: Why wait? Block us now and get over with it!

Iris: Aww, are you giving up without a fight? I thought you are the fighting one?

Suzanne: Sometimes I just know when it's over! And now is the time!

Amir: Wow! At least I was safe otherwise it was my head that was on the chopping block now...

Miriam: Aww, I must check in on Cameron and see if he is alright. Circle opens a chat with Cameron.

Message: Hey Cameron, you have been quiet recently, are you doing okay with everything going on? Send message!

Suzanne: Aww, Miriam is such a nice woman.

Message: Hey, Favorite Circle Girl of mine. As you can guess things are upside down and I need to decide what my next step will be. Should I fight back or throw in the towel? What do you think? Send message!

Miriam: What? I can't believe he wants to give up without a fight!

Message: Is that really a question? You have to keep fighting of course. If you throw the towel just now, you might regret it later. And even if you get blocked, you will know for yourself that you did everything in your power. It certainly won't make my decision easier as I don't want either you or Jackson to go, but I think you will feel better when you don't give up. Send message!

Iris: Message: Aww, you're such a lovely girl and with so much wisdom! Yeah, maybe you are right and I must keep on fighting. I know it will be hard to get everyone's favor but at least I've tried! Send message!

Amir: With all the Assassination stuff going on didn't I had a chance to chat with the new girl. Circle opens a chat with Heejin.

Message: Hey hey! Thought I'd stop by and say hi to the new girl, lookin' mighty fancy if you don't mind me saying. You got me interested 'cause I learning about new cultures and visiting new countries, so, where are you from exactly? I'm gonna guess maybe Korea? I only say because I've been to Korea and I know that's where K-Pop originated. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Send message!

Heejin: Oooh the Assassin wants to chat with me... Hehe, hope all this assassin business is over.

Message: EMMAAAAA!! I'm literally screaming your name right now, pls don't find me weird!! Yes, you are sooo right on that hahaha! I'm Korean, moved to US when I was 10 but I am soo Korean #ICantEven!! What's going on? Spill the teaaa!!!! Send message!

Amir: Ooooh, I already love this girl! She's a bundle of joy!

Message: Way too much tea to spill. That's not weird at all, scream away, I'm not judging. I'll try and bring you up to speed, I'm target number 1 after my little prank got the last new guy blocked. Luckily I'm not going anywhere, for now, thanks to my assassin's immunity, I promise I won't get you blocked though, my assassin days are over. So, I read on your profile you like to sing, what's your fav song? Send message!

Heejin: Message: Woaaaah you a dangerous girl!!! Looool!! Don't ya worry about it, a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do right?! Now you're a retired ninja assassin. I looooove BlackPink!! Like, HIT YOU WITH THAT DDU-DU DDU-DU !! I mostly sing Korean but I like American pop too! Send message!

Amir: Message: That's so awesome! I can't say I've heard of BlackPink, what's one of their songs, maybe I could give it a listen? You know what? I think I'm gonna start calling myself a ninja. I can't agree more, like, I fought hard for my spot in the circle, can't believe these guys gave me such a hard time for it, I bet if Poppycorn had been the assassin nobody would have said a word. #That'stheTea. Send message!

Heejin: Message: YOU NEVER HEARD OF THEM *insert Pikachu meme* you should look them up, they are adorable, gorgeous, and just WOAH! #fangirling
So are they all mad at you or something? Are you on talking terms with anyone else? Send message!

Amir: Message: Noooo! I'm so sorry, I'm just not cultured, I have no idea what the names of Korean bands are. I'd probably know stuff more by listening to it. Uh... it's complicated, they act like they aren't mad at me but I can kinda read the room, it didn't sit well with people. I talk to Jackson a bit and Kayzer, Graham and Miriam haven't really spoken to me since and Cameron not so much since I accused him of being an Old Lady Catfish. #LOLOoops. Send message!

Heejin: Message: I forgive you my frieeeeend. #DontWorryBeHappy
Oh noesss well at least you can't be voted out, right? Who are you hoping to leave? Send message!

Graham: I really need to see if Jackson is okay after the ratings?

Message: Greetings Jackson.
Jackson, my boy! I am surprised and feel for you, that you are currently in the bottom two. It was between five people, so the choices were thin, but I am wholeheartedly surprised by this outcome. I hope you are doing well in these trying times. How are you?
Sincerely, Poppycorn. Send message!

Jackson: Message: Welp, didn't expect this outcome. Wishing both me and Cameron the best of luck coming up next and honestly, I'm really nervous. Though better not go talking about things coming up too much, we'll see what happens when time hits there. How's your day been now? Living the full Circle life? Send message!

Graham: Message: Hello Jackson.
My day has been well, except for this rating of course! It's never a fun experience, and I truly treasure everyone that is here with us in The Circle. I do not wish to see either you nor Cameron go, as I have grown to love you, boys, in our time here. You both are like sons to me, and believe me, that means a lot to this old man. If you need support, I am here.
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!

Jackson: Message: Yeah thanks for the support Poppycorn, just trying to make the most of my day now, could be my last so might as well make it the best it can be. Not sure exactly what happened, but guessing it's both what happened the last blocking and the group being close on the list.
#GetToKnow time! We haven't really chatted a lot about hobbies and pastimes so far IIRC. What's your fav things to do in your off time? Send message!

Graham: Message: Hello Jackson!
Hobbies, well, I do know you're a beach boy at heart! So there is that. I, myself, enjoy a clever crossword and a good book. I like to travel a lot, even locally. I hate being in one place and missing new experiences. A walk along the river or a visit to a local café or restaurant never goes amiss in our household. We also visit a lot with the grandchildren and our local friends and relatives. We both work hard, but we experience life harder!
What about yourself, my boy? Do you do much outside of the beach scene?
Sincerely, Poppycorn. Send message!

Jackson: Message: Aha, that sounds pretty neat. It does help for me that life in Isla Paradiso has lots of stuff to do and we got some good local food places around here, tho I believe widening my horizons wouldn't hurt, it's a part of the reason I signed up for the Circle and meet peoples of different walks and lives. Not gonna lie, I'm a bit of a thrill-seeker, so going out elsewhere to try doing new stuff wouldn't hurt me thinks. Never done it so I think I can do it! Send message!

Miriam: I guess it's something nice to do?

Iris: Hopefully it's something nice to do...

Suzanne: Maybe a game?

Amir: A game! What must we do, Circle?

Heejin: Another game? I love games!

Graham: This doesn't sound good! People can be nasty...

Jackson: I'm ready for you! Shoot!

Kayzer: Am I first?

Iris: We are catfishes! So the answer is yes!

Suzanne: Hehe...

Jackson: I'm not really a catfish... I just don't tell them everything about me!

Miriam: Aww, let's see what I can ask them...

Suzanne: I guess this person asking this question is Emma!

Iris: Yeah, she was the one spreading lies!

Jackson: What?

Amir: Let's ruffle some feathers.

Iris: We do! But so does Jackson!

Jackson: These people are really ruthless!

Graham: I really feel sorry for the boys... People aren't nice to them...

Suzanne: Survival?

Jackson: I can answer that!

Heejin: I love all of these questions! Some are really funny!

Suzanne: Us...?

Jackson: What kind of question is this?

Miriam: I still didn't talk to Kayzer after the Assassination. They must feel horrible to be the victims of the Assasin! Circle opens a chat with Kaizer!

Message: Hey Kayzer, thanks for saving me again. :blush: I am honestly shocked the show would task somebody to be an assassin here. How are you doing with everything? Send message!

Kayzer: Message: Hey Miriam, no worries I couldn't possibly send you home you're a good friend of mine. Yeah, I was not expecting that at all, it does explain some of the shenanigans going on though. I'm doing okay, I'm missing some of my friends back home and the blocking has me feeling bad but apart from that I'm still enjoying myself. How about you Miriam? Send message!

Miriam: Message: Honestly I'm always glad that I didn't have to block somebody yet, but especially now with all the assassin stuff, I just feel bad for you because somebody was thrown under the bus despite not doing anything wrong. Also, I am not sure what I feel about the poems, most of them were really nice, but the one you got was kinda brutal. Other than that I'm doing fine, really enjoyed the Tea Party with Poppycorn. How was your Pizza Party with Jackson? Send message!

Kayzer: Message: Yeah I hope you don't have to as it is a bad place to be in. I'm kind of annoyed about that, now that Alain has been thrown under the bus Emma is acting all la-dee-dah about it which sucks. Yeah I really enjoyed the poems, mine was very brutal. I'm not sure who could have wrote it. Aww thats awesome I'm glad the tea party went so well! The pizza party with Jackson went great thank you, though I did have a pizza hangover the next morning #TooMuchPizza. Send message!

Miriam: Message: Naaawwww, not a pizza hangover. 100% been there though. The thing that makes me the most uncomfortable is that I was the only one who wasn't thrown under the bus and Graham wasn't even mentioned. I know that I didn't write this, I would never be this spiteful and I wanna set an example for my daughter. I also doubt though that Graham was the one, it just doesn't fit the Poppycorn I know. Ugh, this is nerve-wrecking. I've been talking to Emma about it, she told me that she just feels disliked and basically had nothing to lose. I fear she might have taken all these ratings the wrong way. Send message!

Kayzer: Message: Haha yeah you just push yourself a little too hard to finish that last slice and before you know it you've gone too far. Yeah, I'm sure the truth about the poet will unravel sooner or later. I definitely don't see you or Poppycorn writing it though, you two are gems. Yeah, I think she has too, it's a shame because someone has to be last. Hopefully, she can see it isn't anything personal though. Send message!

Miriam: Message: Oh yeah, definitely been there. A good old food coma. I swear, if the 'food pregnancies I had would count as legit pregnancies, Octomom could pack her bags! Thankfully my job always keeps me on my toes and I enjoy sports, sometimes I really wonder how I can attain being a petite woman. I hope so too for her, I don't think she is a bad person at all. I just feel like she feels forgotten. Send message!

Jackson: Circle please opens a chat with Emma? It would be interesting to talk to her.

Message: So, how's your day been? Been a bit since we chatted, about time we catch up on things. I honestly think you and Heejin could make a good team together. I noted how both of you voted the other to be the next Influencer. Send message!

Amir: Message: Yeah, you got me. We've been chatting a little, me and Heejin, I think we may have bonded over us both being immune and our love of travel. You so do not deserve to be in the bottom two, I like rated you second highest on my list, you should be okay though, I'm like 80% sure Cameron is a catfish, they'd be silly to block you! I also noticed that Graham seems to be rated the biggest competition, I wholeheartedly agree, he has people wrapped around his little finger, he plays koi but he's way more of a game player than he makes out. Send message!

Jackson: Message: Yeah, that's the spirit! Think you could be making it really far together. Got to chat some with her as well and she's bringing in such good vibes. Glad she was added to the Circle!
Hmm, I see what you mean, put him in there as well. He got the first influencer thing going on, and he ultimately came out better after the Red/Blue thingamajig. He's also been a bit quiet to me recently. Tho he's having some good stories and stuff to share around with all of us.
Not gonna lie, I think Cameron's the real deal, though then again thinking the same about everyone in here. 6 of the original 8 are still here, Rose and Europa were the real deal, which means 2 or 3 should be catfish. But I'm treating everyone with respect like they're the real deal until shown otherwise. Send message!

Graham: I really need to talk to the new girl. 

Message: Hello Heejin!
My name is Graham. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance! We all got to answer someone's questions about ourselves, and I did not realize we had the opportunity to open a private email conversation with yourself! I am sorry for the lateness of my reaching out to you. Forgive an old man. I do, however, bring questions!
You say in your profile that you wish to be a "K-Pop Star". I have know of the concept of a "Pop Star", but what does the K-Pop mean? Perhaps you could call me a "Poppy Star"! Ha ha!
Sincerely, Graham. Send message!

Heejin: Message: Hi mister Graham mister!! Don't you worry I'm soooo everywhere in my mind? I have a focus problem and being hyperactive can really get me all over the place. I'm just so happy to be here and to meet you!!! You can be my K-Poppy Star!! We would make a great crew!! K-Pop is Korean pop music! It's all about #dancing and #singing and catchy and energy and YAAAAY!! Btw, sorry for my energy level. Send message!

Graham: Message: Hello Heejin,
My dear, your energy is something to be admired! It is lovely to see such vigor here in The Circle, and a fresh new face. This Korean Pop Music sounds like a fabulous time and you’ll have to show me some after the show to ease my curiosity! How long have you been singing for?
Sincerely, K-Poppy. Send message!

Heejin: Hiiiiiii K-Poppy Poppycorn Pop Pop!! I'm sooo excited and all hyped and ready and wow! Everyone seems to be soooo nice and sooooo much fun! I will give you a private show and I'll make a song all about popcorn poppinnnn! I've been singing ever since I was brabbling. My dad always said my rhythm is in my brabble. Send message!

Graham: Message: Hello Heejin!
I would love to hear your popcorn song, perhaps I can pitch it to the company I work for as a new advertisement campaign! Ha ha!
Forgive me, my dear. I am quite somber today because of the blocking and ratings. I am quite dear to both boys who we must all decide to block and I am not comfortable with making this decision at all. Have you gotten to speak to Cameron and Jackson much?
Sincerely, K-Poppy. Send message!

Heejin: Message: Poppy pop popp!!!
I would love to help you out with your advertisement!! I promise I will hold back on the Pink #PinkPopcornPlayer
I have had my chit chats with both. Mostly with Jackson cause he is a chatterbox like me but Cameron seems to be a nice person, just a tad shy. What are your thoughts on them? Send message!

Michelle: Hello...

Players, I've got news for you!

Jackson: Michelle? This isn't good...

Michelle: Jackson and Cameron, one of you will be Blocked tonight!

Jackson: I wonder why Michelle is here? Why can't they just do a normal thing as usual? Why can't the top players decide who to block? 

Michelle: However, your faith will only be in the hands of one of your fellow Players.

Graham: Just one? Like I did when I was the sole influencer? Will the top Player decide who to block?

Michelle: The Blocker!

Iris: What does that mean? Who decides who's the Blocker?

Michelle: The remaining players must now nominate The Blocker!

Amir: Are we going to nominate a Blocker? Sweet!

Michelle: They will have the sole responsibility of who leaves The Circle...

Miriam: Like the sole Influencer? 

Michelle: The Player with the most votes will be The Blocker!

Heejin: Are we going to vote now?

Michelle: Emma, who do you want The Blocker to be?

Amir: Aww, that's easy!

Michelle: Graham, who do you want The Blocker to be?

Graham: Just one person. I trust her!

Michelle: Heejin, who do you want The Blocker to be?

Heejin: Emma?

Michelle: Kayzer, who do you want The Blocker to be?

Kayzer: As a newbie, I guess she will be the right person to decide!

Michelle: Miriam, who do you want The Blocker to be?

Miriam: Kayzer?

Michelle: With 2 votes Heejin has been voted as The Blocker

Suzanne: So our fate is in the new girl's hands. 

Iris: Looks like that!

Jackson: Aww... I just hope she will do the right thing... But what is the right thing? Ugh! Not one of us deserves to go home!

Michelle: Heejin, who do you want to block?

Heejin: Nobody... I don't want to block anyone!

Michelle: Alas you have to choose!

Heejin: Okay... I guess then...

Suzanne: ...

Iris: ...

Jackson: Awww... I feel sorry for them but glad I got a second chance! Woot!

Miriam: Don't we have enough for tonight, Circle?

Heejin: What now?

Amir: Ummm... We know...

Jackson: *sad face*

Graham: I hope he comes to me... I want to tell him how sorry I am that he has to leave The Circle!

Kayzer: Maybe he will come here? We did talk once and were maybe good friends...

To be continued...

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  Miriam: Um... hey Kayzer. Kayzer: Miriam... this is a surprise! Miriam: I know, I think I already owe you a big explanation based on how y...